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hudd storage in kayak


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For you kayak guys, how do you carry your hudds?

I do alot of my fishing from my kayak and just haven't found a way that I really "like". Thought I'd see what some of you other kayak guys are doing. I store my hard baits in a Plano 3741, but would like to figure out a better method for the hudds.

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I use the plano box water proof and also use bait gloves.  Throw them in my black box (those that are not being used) and have 2 on standby wrapped in bait gloves.  Hope this helps :mrgreen:

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I use the plano box water proof and also use bait gloves.  Throw them in my black box (those that are not being used) and have 2 on standby wrapped in bait gloves.  Hope this helps :mrgreen:

I originally wanted to hang them, I have one of the old egbert rods in a Plano 3731. Only problem, it is too tall to fit in my blackpak. I think it would be more functional to wrap them, then throw em in my box.


Have you had any issues with the red bleeding onto your baits? Also any deformation from staying in the wraps thoughout the day, as opposed to hanging them?

Thanks for the responses guys

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I just take the Hudds I use and a couple of extra of the ROF I'm planing to use the most in case I lose any. I use a rectangular locking tupperware and lay them flat in it and put them in the hatch. This way they sit on bottom of kayak and don't get hot. At end of weekend or fishing trip I hang back up for storage until next time. Never had a problem with the 68's or 8". 

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True in regards to the ProCure  (Excellent catch Top Ramen) .  I put the "Hot Sauce" when I am going to chuck the hudd , when I am done I make sure I wipe that off and then wrap in the bait glove. :mrgreen:

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Cool... I'm ordering a few of the bait gloves to try, and just got a flat storage container to put in my center hatch. One of these two methods should fit the bill.

Appreciate y'alls input.

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Much appreciated,  here is what I do ( Plano is water proof) and reason I use the Bait Glove is in tournaments (many anglers before launch come up close to chat and really just checking out what you are throwing. :mrgreen:  And cool vid, thx






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