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Posts posted by BASS

  1. Hey guys, been a while, I have here a very nice JDM Evergreen Balista. This rod is excellent for triple trout and wake baits in the 1-3 oz range. I have caught a lot of good fish on this thing, but I'm changing my tactics slightly and no longer have much of a use for this rod. It has a few little dings and a tad bit of boat rash, but it is in good condition. I really wanna get $350 for this thing, I am open to trades for higher end reels, but thats about it. As far as reels go, Im looking for a calais 200, calcutta 300-400 TE or conquest, or a daiwa pluton.


    Thanks for the interest!




  2. I am another big fan of the triple trout. I only have/fish the 10", but I had nights last summer where I got 5+ fish in an hour. Nothing huge, but a couple fives. I can post pics if I can find them, but its a really good bait. I think I wrote a review on it a while back on the review board so you can check that if ud like!

  3. First of all, I catch most of my hudd fish during the dead of winter. January-March has produced the most and biggest hudd fish for me. U shouldn't go nearly that long without a bite. If you are fishing in good spots, you should get hit rather quickly.


    As for rigging, I personally have caught fish using 50lb braid as a harness. While its not ideal, it will work. 1 option is rigging it Butch Brown style with wire which is much cheaper than braid. Just buy a relatively nice pair of crimping pliers and ur set to go. 50lb should hold up though, but id recommend upgrading down the line.

  4. Do you want a low pro-file or a round reel?


    A low profile reel, and for 4-8 inch baits


    Still not really enough information.

    Hard baits? Soft baits?


    From the info provided, I would go with an Okuma Guide Select 711H and a Curado 300. Pretty good general swimbait set-up.

  5. Love those private lakes! 8-)

    Ehh, they get boring quick haha. I wish I could get out and fish a Castaic or DVL more often. Its tough to get out there though. Westlake definitely has a great number of fish in the 6-8 lb range, but I have only got 1 fish around 10 and We literally fish it 80-100 days a year. Makes me wonder if the pigs are in here. Hopefully this year I can get out a little more and try to learn a trophy bass lake haha

  6. Rocky, your writeups (reviews) are off the charts, very well done.


    Question, nothing to do with the review, but you mentioned your throwing in on a Low Down XXH.......8' or a 8'6"?




    Thank you!!! I have an 8'. Maybe if I make some money I can eventually get an 8'6" that rod sounds amazing too!

  7. Review of the BA Armageddon, original, crankable bill:


    At first glance on the bait, the first thing I notice is how frickin awesome it looks. The look on this things face is just mean. It gives the bait its own badass attitude. I got my Armageddon in the very first release when the only color was rainbow trout. Still the one I use today. The Armageddon is unquestionably intimidating, but once you understand the fact that it will catch fish, anybody can (and will) catch monsters on it.


    I got returned-on to this bait when a friend of Nick and I’s literally found an Armageddon when he was scuba diving in a river. It was stuck on a branch. This man was no swimbaiter prior to this, but knew how to catch trophies out of Westlake. Nick and I couldn’t believe the ridiculous find he made, but what even astonished us more was he started catching fish on it. He even got a couple 7’s. I was hooked from that point on to throw this bait as much as I could. It was all just meant to be.



    The Armageddon looks mean. It is a wide profile bait and definitely a good chunk of resin. The paint on this is spot on. Mickey does, by far, some of the best paint on the market and this is no exception. This bait is a work of art



    I fish this lake anywhere big baitfish swim. I’ll be honest, I have never fished this bait where an actual rainbow trout has swam, but Westlake has bass that eat other bass and this bait has done a great job replicating that for me. I fish this bait in the warmer months primarily at night. My biggest fish on the arm have actually come in the summer and spring. Once again though, I am fishing a troutless lake. I have caught fish off tullies, near rocks, and in open water near submerged cover. Basically anywhere there is any type of water and the fish are biting the top, throw the arm!



    On a straight retrieve at a medium speed, this bait gives a really nice, realistic action. It leaves a nice wake, creates a kind of bubble trail and clacks. It does it all. I personally don’t crank this bait, I don’t even really twitch it much. I just let the bait do the action it was made to have and pause it every now and then. It is very realistic and definitely calls fish from afar.



    I am fortunate enough to be able to throw my Armageddon on a Low Down XXH and it has performed flawlessly for me. I pair that rod with a 400TE and Maxima 25lb Ultragreen and BAM! Perfect combo for this thing. It literally will chuck this bait a mile and allow for a long time period in the strike zone. In fact, the first day I got my Low Down, I headed down to the lake, tied on an Armageddon and caught my very first Arm and LDC fish. It wasn’t a typical topwater day either. 60 degrees, clear sky, and mid day. This combo was just made to be.



    From about April on, I had an Armageddon tied on one of my rods just and nearly every night I was out there, I fished it. I had trips where I brought only my Low Down with an Arm tied on. Throughout Spring-Summer, I experienced probably over 30 explosions, unfortunately, not too many hooked up, but I most definitely landed around 10 and lost about 5 at the boat. The average fish was big. Granted, I got two four pounders, but the rest were over 5 with some bigger. I missed one giant that I actually got on the bank, he shook free and flopped himself right back into the water, quick release. This is a bait that I can go out and know that I will get bit and that fish will be a trophy. It’s a great feeling. I have utter confidence that this bait will be hanging from a few monsters for me this coming year. It makes it almost too easy. Just find the spot, cast the bait, and retrieve it slow and steady just so the bait is swimming. Pause it every now and then and be prepared for a frightening explosion.


    Unfortunately, Nick and I don’t take pics of a lot of the fish we catch out of pure laziness. But here are a few that we did get of this bait.



    (Biggest Fish I have landed on the bait)


    (Heavy Floater)

  8. [attachment=0]25389d1324015159t-toad-striper-lake-ouachita-arkansas-choking.jpeg[/attachment][attachment=2]25384d1324013299t-toad-striper-lake-ouachita-arkansas-dsc00661.jpeg[/attachment][attachment=3]25393d1324015159t-toad-striper-lake-ouachita-arkansas-trip-stripe.jpeg[/attachment]






    Very nice review Rocky.....are these the 14" TT you saw at BAT?



    Oh man, makes me want one 10X more haha. Wow, those are some of the biggest striper I have seen. Nice fish! Literally speechless haha

  9. Rocky, did you see the pics of the 14" TT on their FB page?


    I thought the 10" was big, that bait makes it look like a freakin guppy.


    hahaha i definitely saw that thing. I talked to him about it at the bass-a-thon and unfortunately, he says he's not releasing it for another year. that thing is ridiculously cool though.

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