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Everything posted by BIG HUNGRY

  1. Yeah, I assumed some things I shouldn't have. I apologize, and I hope you (Chaozu) get back on your feet. I have no problem with FISHERMEN who sell baits because of emergencies or just to get new gear or pay for whatever it is they want in life. My beef is with the guys who think they are on Wallstreet and buy baits with the sole intention of flipping it for a profit. I have payed top dollar for baits in the past to many of the members on this board. None of them were scalpers; I just really wanted the baits and made an offer they couldn't refuse. None of them tried to start a bidding a war; they just ended the bidding right there and sold me the baits. Some of them would throw in a little extra stuff and pay to have the bait insured. I appreciate that kind of business.
  2. Wow, the scalpers are wasting no time. That guy will probably make 300% profit on that one bait. Then, he'll take that money and buy 2 more from the next release.
  3. No prob. I understood you. I was just looking through my tackle, and I found some omega football jigheads with a large wide-gap hook. I think those would work perfect. Can't wait to pitch that around some docks. I like the action of the tail on the bait when you twitch it in place. Now, I see what you mean. thanks for the info.
  4. Thanks, Darth. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Urban, didn't think about using it as a jig trailer. I might try a swimjig. Thanks again, fellas. I appreciate it.
  5. Any of you guys try using a weighted swimbait hook with these? Does it work okay? I am currently using a screw-in 6/0 Owner Beast Hook, but I want to add weight. Also, anyone try cutting open the air bladder to add a sinker or fishing it texas rigged with a worm weight; or maybe using nails? ...I'm looking for options. I thought I'd ask you guys before I start experimenting and possibly ruining a good bait.
  6. That's a great idea, Don. Thanks. I was going to use an empty spool of Big Game, but I do have a few buoy markers; that would work even better.
  7. All I can say is WOW. I have had mine for about 2 weeks now, and it is 3 for 3 so far. Thanks alot, Phil. This thing really works and it is saving me some serious money. If you don't have one and you own a boat, I highly reccomend this retriever. It's probably one of the best peices of gear I have ever purchased. Thanks again
  8. I actually prefered it when he didn't announce a release. I remember when the shads were released. Not too many people knew about it, and I was able to sit there for a few minutes and think about which ones I wanted You can't do that, anymore. You just got to click and go. To quote "Top Gun" - "You don't have time to think up there. If you think, you're dead." ..."well, that's a pretty big gamble with a $85 3:16 swimbait, Leutenant."
  9. This is very true. How do you think fish that live in muddy water catch their prey? If they can catch a real live shad in muddy water, they can also catch your freestyle shad. I say fish your swimbaits. You said you already won this tourney before using jigs. So, why not try swimbaits? Think about it...if you win this tourney with a 8 in freestyle, it will be legendary. If you win flipping a jig, nobody will remember or care. ...I say go for glory. Good luck
  10. It will sell faster than a kilo of crack at a P-Diddy concert.
  11. Sounds to me like you need a mission fish. It was designed to do exactly what you are looking for.
  12. Ha ha, looking at that pic of you with that bait and fish makes me think you're at one of them Cali lakes ...but nope, just another Lake Fork leviathan. Way to stick em.
  13. Sorry, I know skinny dippers aren't considered here as a real swim bait. I'll post a pic when I land one on a hudd/3:16. Way to make a new member feel welcomed. Does it have fish profile? Does it mimic the swimming action of a fish? If so, then it is a swimbait. That thing has a paddle tail, right? Then yeah, it's a swimbait. Everybody has a different opinion on what constitutes a swimbait. ...and welcome to board...and nice fish, too.
  14. Very nice fish, man. Way to represent Texas. ...and good luck with your remaining days.
  15. I'm not a 100% against bed fishing, but I do believe that you should go about doing it very carefully. I never stay on one spot for too long, and I keep moving until I find the easiest fish to catch. Once I catch that fish, I immediately unhook it and return it to the exact same spot where I pulled it out of the water and then move on to the next spot so I don't possibly catch that same fish again. Fortunately for the fish, I can't see them in the lakes I fish. So, bed fishing can actually be pretty tough. I know where the beds are, but I can't dangle a bait right in front of a fishes mouth like you can in clear water, and even if I do catch a fish, there's no telling if it is actually a bedding fish or prespawn/postspawn fish. My swimbait of choice during this time of year would be Matt's softgill.
  16. They're not closing down. They're just restructuring (changing name and setting up a new website).
  17. Look at it this way...you are probably the only guy in the world to ever catch a frog on a 8in Hudd...and a big one, at that. ...so, congrats!
  18. I listen to country and rock. Right now: 1. Zac Brown 2. Avenged Sevenfold 3. All classic rock
  19. Fort Phantom Hill Lake, TX: 03/06/2011 Went out yesterday on the boat in search of the big girls hanging out on transition points. I found them, but all I caught was gusty winds, so, I decided to head in because it was kind of unsafe out there on a boat. When I got to the intersection leading away from the boat ramp, I stopped and thought for a second. Do I go left and go home and eat dinner? Or do I go right and do a little bank fishing at my honey hole? Well, I went right, and I was able to stick a few males cruising the banks on a Mattlures baby bass. All of them were hooked deep inside the mouth...nothing big, but I was finally able to kick the skunk in the A$$. I think next weekend I will forego trying to chase the females and fish shallow with a baby wake, instead. The males aren't too big, but they do put up a good fight.
  20. I can't believe this , but it sure does make me feel a whole lot better, now.
  21. I was skunked the last 5-6 times I went out. I finally caught some today, though, on a Mattlures Baby Bass!!! I'll try and get some pics up when I can. ...you just gotta stick with it. Good luck and F*** THE SKUNK Mack
  22. EEEEEEEEEEEEEHHH. That sucks man. I tell you what, If I didn't have to pull a bass boat, I'd probably be driving around in one of those electric/hybrid toy cars lol. It's not even summer and these prices are getting rediculous. We're still below $3.50 here in Texas, though, but I know we'll break $4.00 soon enough. I feel for you man. And gas is only 40 cents a gal in those damn OPEC countries...bunch of price gauging bastids. You talk about this thread and how it should be deleted cause it's not about swimbaits? And then YOU talk about gas? That doesn't make sense. If you don't like a thread don't read the thread. There is A lot to learn in this thread. Ha ha, don't shoot! I'll go calmly...
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