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Everything posted by fish_whisperer

  1. I keep hook changes simple for 90% of my hook changes I use ST36 1/0, 2/0 or 3/0s. There are probly more people that can roger up to this better then I can, but this works for me. For 10" TT I use 3/0 in the front and 2/0 in the rear. On 8" I use 2/0 in the front and 1/0 in the rear. And on the 7" I use 1/0 front and rear. For punkers 9" 3/0s all around. 8" punkers 2/0s all around and 5 and 6" punkers 1/0s all around. I have never thrown a Sellcraker or a injected punker so I have no insight on that.
  2. I am glad you like the bait. You are going to stick some good ones with it!
  3. It has minor hook rash I would rate it a 8.5-9 out of 10. I am looking for a FS Shad but will hear other offers as well.
  4. I found this maybe it will help http://www.theanglingbookstore.com/thebigbaitposse.aspx
  5. I am looking for a 10" Triple Trout. If you have any you are willing to sell PM me.
  6. I thow punkers and some wake baits on 65# Power Pro.
  7. If you have any slammers that you want to part with just let me know. You can email pictures and prices at jacob.melrose@afg.usmc.mil.
  8. So I have dicited to buy a Conquest 400. But I have heard that I could end up paying a "import tax". Does anyone have any info on this subject? How much could I end up being charged for this reel? I have been looking around and cannot find a solid answer any where. I would hate for this reel to cost me more then it already is going to.
  9. I tried to check out threw paypal 30 seconds after they came avalible and all I got was a big fat sold out. I still went fishing this afternoon so not a compleate waste of a day.
  10. WTT Wake Jr Ayu for a Freestyle Shad floating or sinking in blue or green. This bait has been used and has no fish on it. It has very miniscule signs of use.
  11. I just got a few Wake Jrs, and was wondering what type of retrieves are proven for these baits. I do a slow steady retrieve with them, but the bait seems to have a very hard side to side wobble and does not look very natural. The swimming action is awsome but the wobble just looks funny to me. Is this normal? And I have tried a walk the dog type of retrive but my line catches the hook 90% of the time. Any info will help. BTW I am throwing them on 50lb braid with about a 10ft topshot of 20lb mono.
  12. Is this bait for sale if it is I will take it.
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