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mike h

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Everything posted by mike h

  1. Shure do! They eat my baits. Mullets and Bluegill wake baits. Just not much lately, been so hot they’ve been too sluggish in my area. Bout to change tho!!
  2. That’s a great catch. That spots been good to you.
  3. mike h

    Foiled Shad

    I’m pretty much the same way. Whatever pleases me at the time. I’ve got a couple bottles of that color. I’m gonna try some.
  4. mike h

    Foiled Shad

    That’s nice. I like it. Really like the colors you used. What’s the name of the blue color on the back?
  5. I scored a few blanks BB796 7’9” 1-4oz BB806 8’ 1-4oz BB807 8’ 1-6oz im definitely building an 807 and 796. Anyone interested in the others?
  6. It’s from a cypress tree that hurricane Katrina blew down.
  7. Have not forgotten about this one. Got it ready to mold. I think it looks a lot like a War-mouth. Those get almost black down here in the swamps.
  8. Yes. A wake version in about 6-inch. no video but I’ll see if I can get one made
  9. Close enough. Just something I’ve noticed. Not many folks throwing bass.
  10. 6-inch flat sided bass wake and a 9-inch 6oz slow sink bass that was my second ever swimbait build over 8 years ago. It swam crazy but shure got bit a lot. That yellow bass wake is one of the most productive lures I’ve ever made and gave me my PB on a homemade lure. Made out of Cypress. i started making that 9-inch bass the day after I had a huge bass swallow a 13” bass I was reeling in. I tried to set the hook and felt the weight for a second but the small bass came out and the big fish was gone. Haunting scene to say the least.
  11. Anyone throwing bass swimmers? I haven’t noticed many on the site lately. I have a few that I built and may cast some more. Have a look at two versions. One is a 3 piece float or slow sink and the other a floating wake 2 piece. Both verjsions are About 8”. The wake is a bit bulkier.
  12. As a parent, I believe it’s your #1 earthly job to protect and raise your children; your god given responsibility. Selflessness and sacrifice should replace selfishness the moment you become a parent. What greater gift or possession can we have better than our own child. This makes no sense to me. They are with their Heavenly Father now. Absent from the body and present with the Lord. I’m praying for that family’s healing. So sorry to hear this.
  13. Man I always thought a Gambler was hands down the prettiest bass boat of all.
  14. The only kitty I own; and my GoDevil side by side. I catch a lot of fish in that duck boat. Not pretty, just gets it done. If I had to choose just one, the BC would be gone. Can’t duck hunt out of a Bass Sled, but you can shure fish from a go devil.
  15. Which ones do you have and what weight baits do they do best with. I think the source I found has a few choices.
  16. 1-2 oz lures are Ok. I do fine. pros: lighter, comfortable. cons: less line capacity, shorter reel life if you over do it. You can usually feel it if it’s too much load for your set up.
  17. Anyone have a Rogue SB rod? Any info on these? I may be able to scoop a couple of blanks if it’s worth doing.
  18. Man is that nice!! You wade fished? Or got out for the pics? That looks like a fun place to fish for shure. I love that hat too..I need one!!!
  19. No lip floater. Bone and silver with some accents.
  20. That’s sharp. Looks kinda like a layout boat. Very sleek. Really nice job.
  21. I can take this. It’s one of my baits that I’m still working on. I asked bass bass to test it out for me. Its 8-inches and is a molded version of a wood bait I carved 4 yrs ago. This one is a floater that dives on retrieve. It’s made out of a hard foam for high buoyancy. I painted it like Brian wanted, which is a silver shiner. In his neck of the woods, that’s the color that works. I plan to do more soon. Definitely will do some slow sink versions. I like the floater because it’s easier to work over grassbeds.
  22. I would definitely bring some Johnson silver minnow spoons 1/2oz and some 1/4 oz jig head spinners like the Strike King Redfish Magic.
  23. Got my first one done. And working on a second paint job. I like the idea of a sinker with a bill to crank down. I’ll probably try a slow sink/ no bill also. Those suspending twitch baits work great on speckled trout.
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