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Everything posted by Archtx9

  1. Year over year I've sent something to the winner......this year I'll kick in some Weedless Rising Sons Good luck guys
  2. rack up a few hours watching my YouTube channel......it's Central Texas https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXPaBtTFu3bqYZQH72wHzWA
  3. Night fishing if you can swing it. That’s been my go to for the summer. However I have been on some crazy heat of August topwater bites in the midafternoon. The lake I typically fish is all about wolfpacks for the big fish. I hesitant to fish deep (to keep from losing baits…yeah I know), but that will change when I get the Active Target installed (currently sitting in a box )
  4. Alot depends on the water you will be fishing. The alum boats will wear you out in rough water, both under power and sitting still
  5. here's a long lined double digit that won me the SU monthly tourney and got me in the Battle for the Underground only to get beat two years in a row by the DonFather.
  6. haven't done it yet, but i thought it would be fun to throw an Hudd without hooks to see how long a bass would hold it.......yeah weird
  7. a bit off topic, but my fishing buddy's dad, Townsend Miller (deceased) is the long standing World Record Holder for Long Nosed Gar. 6.5 feet, 50lb5oz. I remember my friend telling me that way back and i said something like "yeah prove it".........he grabbed an encyclopedia off the shelf and pointed to the record.
  8. my opinion It's the Sellers responsibility to make sure the item arrives. The $50 insurance is the default amount, meaning he didn't request and pay the extra few dollars to cover the transaction costs. I had a similar experience and sold a Nez rat that never arrived. After many months, I did get the ripped cover of the shipping box in an envelope from USPS, with the statement that they would look for the contents. I refunded the full amount to the Buyer once the box was two weeks late, , just as i would expect Amazon to do for me. Go thru the USPS processes for Lost packages....DO NOT MISS ANY DEADLINES!!!!......they use a missed deadline as reason to close the work order. After everything i went thru, i got an email from USPS basically telling me that i didn't know how to ship packages.......but i used their own boxes, shipped thru customer counter, etc.
  9. good fish.....they always seem bigger at night !!!
  10. Whatever you do, don't be one day late on the time periods USPS gives you for claims and responses. They wait forever to respond while your clock is ticking. I made the mistake of watching their monthly email of "we are sorry, we are still looking for your contents" Finally they said...."we can't find it...sorry" At which time my claim deadline had timed out.
  11. I sent a Hudd to Teener #2, thinking he was the winner after the first Teener guy got axed. Oh well.
  12. I offered to send a Hudd to the winner with a DD. The "winner" declined the prize. I did send one to the 2nd place finisher for a great fish.
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