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oh ok

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Everything posted by oh ok

  1. oh ok


    Oi! Has that curado been tuned?
  2. and why do you say that? You haven't heard?!
  3. What's crazy to me is how fast a bass digestive system is! Look how digested the head is compared to the tail. Almost makes me wonder if you didn't stumble on it if it would have been ok in a few hours? Probably not, and cooler you filmed what was going on.
  4. That would be fine[/quote thanks im just trying to keep it simple but my total keeps racking up into the $350 area on just soft baits and a slammer. want sure if it was nessecary to buy all those baits so soon. It's not. Buy the slammer you want and a couple hudd 68's (rof5 and rof12) to build confidence. You don't need a ton of different hudds to be worrying if you made the right choice or not.
  5. Was the bass swimming around and she grabbed your lure too? Or was she in distress/dying/dead? Regardless CRAZY. Should have weighted a before and after the troutectomy
  6. I've used it on a buddies boat. The anchor feature is my favorite part especially on windy days. Other than that I really don't like it. It's loud and I mean like annoying so. Everytime it moves you hear that electric motor steering the unit. I like my motorguide a lot more and I'm so used to running a trolling motor with a foot control it's like I don't even think about it anymore it's just second nature. I'd put the money towards Power Poles and don't look back.
  7. Better than a no fish streak I'd say!
  8. Hell yea!!! I fished all day Saturday in that F*ing rain. Had to nose into a couple random boat houses and change my shirt and jacket twice! Not to mention the bilge pump was running allll damnnnn dayyyyysss! Only had two half hearted follows too. Good job man! Glad someone was whacking them!!
  9. Wait, what happen now?! I feel your pain believe me
  10. I just have to say this is one of the best comments I've read in a long time.
  11. oh ok

    first gopro fish

    Dude you and I use the script when fishing. Like word for word lol. Awesome fish LOVE IT!
  12. What the real problem isn't about noob repeat threads. You gotta look at the under lying issue. Majority of, no ALL of the experts, vets, old school guys whatever you want to call them paid their dues! They all went out there and figured out which lines work for THEM and specific situations. Which rods and reels THEY like. "What does it feel like when a fish bites your hudd?" ARE YOU FCUKING KIDDING ME? It feels a like a fish bit your god damn bait! It's about learning to fish and experimenting on their own. There is no instant gratification in this world. Most "noobs" unfortunately don't even come from a fishing background and that's what makes it so hard. They don't have the experience that greatly helps the learning curve. They aren't asking the right questions to want to engage anyone. I mean someone says I have a 15mm bolt to loosen what size wrench do I use? 15mm obviously it's point blank. You can't do that in fishing and especially swimbaits. You can't ask how do I fish a deps 250? There is an INFINTE amount of ways that they need to go out and figure out on THEIR OWN. Again paying their dues and putting in effort. You can't want to help someone that isn't willing to at least try some ish out on their own. If they try their heart out and admit defeat, I can respect that because that's still me, fish kick my ass repeatedly but I keep coming back. You don't see me posting threads saying "ok I read a bunch of threads and tried everything and it's still not working what can I do?" I'd tell me get the fcuk back out there and keep fishing and PAY ATTENTION to everything including the fishing. Ask anyone that's been out with me fishing I LOVE teaching. In fact I like it more than catching fish most days, I get more pumped watching them apply what I taught them and seeing them hook up. It's more of an adrenaline rush for me now. They ask the right questions when actually out here with me doing it. And I've told all of them, there is the "text book" way and then this is what I've learned works better for ME, BUT you will have to figure out what works for you.
  13. Better question... When are you or one of your other Bucca Crusaders going to buy a Gliding Gizzard and give it to your boss to make an exact copy of lesser quality? I mean not like it hasn't been before right?
  14. I heard it only works in states that end in a vowel so I guess you're screwed
  15. I was thinking the exact same thing Lol I was thinking the same thing Yes, that's my son They do posts right! I know I want to see everything, not just a pic of one fish and then hear about the rest. That's a hell of a first post by the way AND on a variety of baits! You can't beat a day like that. Congrats!!!
  16. Sleep is for the weak If I were you I'd try and find an open tourney this weekend and win some money!
  17. Ever take into consideration the bites getting burned? I mean think about everybody and their mother has been on a Deps 250 bite. A great bite at that. It may not be entirely you, big fish don't get big by being dumb right? The 250 golden era is going to end eventually
  18. You're dead to me! In all seriousness. 806/Lexa 300 6.3:1 with 25# or 30# PF (not gonna lie, did throw out all the big game spools including brand new ones I had left and used 70# Samurai for a bit after two fish butt f*cked me in front of all their friends) once I was over being traumatized I went back to PLine PF. That setup will throw anything your heart desires.
  19. You can't rush quality! Having fished some of the originals, and now fishing the newest it is well worth the wait! Randall's baits are getting nothing but better and better and you will be stoked. If not I'll buy the bait from you! Sorta like a money back guarantee I guess lol
  20. Awesome man! You been straight roping on that bait!!
  21. oh ok

    Working on a new PB

    Creepy right? Nah just kidding I sent you a PM!!
  22. oh ok

    Working on a new PB

    Current lake record wouldn't happen to be ohhh I dunno 9lbs 11ounces would it?
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