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pizz last won the day on January 5 2023

pizz had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    Castaic Lake


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  1. You’d need to add to your side to get a S2 off me. It’s the top of the food chain
  2. I’m really good at replying to messages on social media or email. I don’t come on here but maybe 2 - 3 times a month.
  3. It’s me by myself about 90% of the time. I have a friend that helps pour baits with me as needed. Family helps me with shipping and packaging apparel but as far as the prepping baits and painting, it’s just me. mark did help me during the pandemic because his regular job came to a halt but he’s been back to work and we only get together for garage chat every now and then. I’m more active on Instagram than Facebook but the two are tied together. The Facebook business app is terrible so I rarely go on it.
  4. If anyone wants to be disrespected from a bait drop, I plan to be very disrespectful very soon. Lists and preorders used to work but they don’t anymore. I spent more time giving updates/ etas than I did actually focusing on baits which caused even more delays. Drops work because the baits are done and gone. what works for me may not work for you. You will learn that someday or just be stubborn in your ways. I cannot please every customer and if you get big mad because you missed a drop then you should analyze what’s really important. If a person wants to flip or waffle a bait after they bought it from me what can I do? It’s their bait. Should I charge more because of flipping? No. I feel fairly priced for my time and I’m farrrrr too busy to have a fake name to flip my own baits. I’d just flip it out in the open and give another reason for the haters to hate.
  5. Have you tried letting it sink?
  6. Go catch a fish on the crappie glide, the drift, the baby carp and the juvie DDT and I’ll make you a 3 piece baby swimmer.
  7. I have no idea really. I've always just made baits as I can. Full time job, husband, and father... most baits get made after hours or days off. I'm not doing anything different when it comes to posting on social media. Ive always made 2 to 3 posts a week. some baits, some fish. no rhyme or reason. the baits have always caught fish but Ive also just recently come out with newer and smaller baits that people want faster and sooner than i can make them. trying to balance between preorders, bait drops, and shows is tough to keep everyone happy but i try. like posted above, customers have been posting more and more fish catches, cast to catches, and mail calls. more people are seeing them than they used to when most posts were solely by me. Ive never wanted to be that in your face posting all the time type advertising.
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