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Everything posted by Skaugger

  1. Great bait, even better after shaving down the hinges a fraction for a big S
  2. i would rather trade for say a used hudd, but depending on the offer maybe I have a used 8" holdover bb rigged rof5 I'd be willing to trade. Let me know kdplighting@yahoo.com
  3. Well what are you trying to do trade or buy? Pm me
  4. Silverado is your best bet. Solid trucks and they hold their value even with a bunch of miles on them
  5. Skaugger


    Yeah 24g seems to be the best for me, I did get my hands on some new "nichrome" resistance wire in 22 gauge, supposidly it has less lag then kanthal so you can get away with bigger gauge. Can't go wrong with 24g kanthal though
  6. Skaugger


    How can you measure the ohms? idk what mine is at but it hits super harsh :/ There are devices made to measure resistance in a circuit called ohm meters. I use one of those to get an accurate reading. Now as far as your build being harsh it most likely a poor (unequal distribution of power) build with hot spots, which normally are eliminated before putting in the cotton bed...feel free to PM me if you need more specific help These are my 3 amigos, all clones and all running sub ohm builds for heavy clouds Pictured is a 5 wrap micro coil (3/32") with cotton. Make sure you have the right battery for this build!
  7. Heard it was cool, a lot more salt stuff tho
  8. Skaugger


    Oh yes you will haha I do sub-ohm builds for myself and a few friends. 24g kanthal wire with 5 wraps on a cotton build puts me around .3 ohms. This is ideal for me because it produces massive clouds but doesn't hit too harsh/burn juice too fast...I power my mods with sony 30 amp's and get a good 6 hours of vaping from one... As for flavors, can't go wrong with some vanilla custard, or Jamison's brand "Amelia"
  9. Thanks brotha been grinding more lately to reach my goal of my first DD Just keep on huckin!!!
  10. That's a skeet Reese worm and jig rod and it was the guy I was fishing withs setup. He was using senkos and helping me un hook the fish I caught Thanks for the reply! -Skaugger
  11. First of the night...4.10 Followed by 3 others, not so big but still fun to fight Lookin out for security Choked the Hudd, let homeboy take it out since he wasn't catching anything on senkos blurry dink Not anything giant but I'll be out grinding again tonight for the big girls... Thanks for looking!
  12. Swam great, I broke the bill on it recently tho so now it's a dead twitch bait lol
  13. Goose, large frogs, led bobbers, tons of rusted hooks and weights. Nothing too crazy but the frog defiantly was the funniest
  14. Lol only u would, Adrian.... Nice striper Alex, and the pic of it sliced open is knarly good stuff haha
  15. Skaugger

    Kawashi fish

    Solid fish, cool looking lure... Yah it's too bad they don't make an 8" or bigger version of it :/
  16. I'm making one tomorrow. Lol thanks for the info!
  17. No worries man, just take me to this spot and well call it even
  18. I do lighting and grip work for the studio industry. I DJ for a underground rap group called the Sophisticats. I have a bad habit of spending more then I make
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