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Posts posted by F.Rizzo

  1. Whoever wants bragging rights to it, so be it, bid away. But if they honestly think they're getting a lure with true street cred that swims amazing, they sure are mistaken. To be honest, it swims like garbage. Well, it doesn't swim. Hopefully he works more on the action on future versions and learns how to prevent so many little air bubbles in his resin... Such a gimmick.

  2. Yeah, there's no doubt it's a Nate's Bait. Saw he posted that a while ago (Nate), not sure why he would've deleted it... So if he apparently outsourced it to Nate, of which, there is nothing wrong with that, I just doubt Nate would have been selling them for $100.

  3. In my past life before fishing I worked in management for a company that "fixed" failing companies. One of the common themes in all failing companies is a culture of low standards while acting like there isn't a problem. Often the people running the show always liked to talk up and sell everyone on how great things are and would over promote the company to customers (advertising budgets and marketing) and employees while maintaining low standards. If you couldn't change that culture it was over for that company. College taught me nothing on that. Rizzo fits the mold of talking it up while not showing real results. I do things the exact opposite. No talking all results. Best marketing ever.

    And just imagine if you were able to manufacture faster! You'd be a millionaire!! But, who wants more money...


    But I'm done on this thread. Go get to making baits, Randall.

  4. Dear Mr. Rizzo:

    You seem to have tremendous knowledge of how to run a company. Care to share the name of the company you own?

    I own nothing, yet! But it's amazing what you can learn in Business 101 in college. Have worked for successful small businesses tho.


    On to the topic at hand... The Bullshad is fugly, but it catches fish. I've only owned a couple, the 5 incher. Still a pretty fat bat for it's length, at least in relation to a real shad. I don't even know if there is any sort of clear coat on the lure, so it does get beat up easily. Not much worse for ware than how it started tho. I will work it more erratically usually, it's a pretty versatile bait.


    Pros: It catches fish. Durable construction. Fairy readily available.

    Cons: Paint. Price. Overall appearance.

  5. Let me see one refund out of hundreds of people. Nobody is taking my business. I still have hundreds waiting and can't fill those orders. I am just one guy and can't make all the baits. Maybe you should help your buddy Ryan at fish30acre produce the same demand just letting the bait do it so you don't have to talk so much BS and run contests for giveaway baits and need friends and prostaffers to do all your shady marketing.


    You know damn well you have refunded people their money because it took you too long to produce their bait. I shouldn't have to name names, tho I could. Also, guess what? Part of business is marketing. You can think what you want of marketing, but it helps sell your product. No big name company got where they were without some sort of marketing, albeit maybe even shady!


    And I know of certain people from Texas who have offered to buy you out... I just hope you realize your stubbornness, ignorance, and unwillingness to grow limits you immensely. Like you said, you're only one man. A good business man, you are not, but a good baitmaker, sure!


    Keep doing what you're doing, you've got plenty of backers and support, but maybe less time constantly checking your websites, and more time working on baits. Also, your constant criticism of other competitors really makes you look bad. I feel like you need a hug.

  6. Hey Corey tell Mike his trophy lake fish look nice in his new photos with his "Not a Bull Shad" but he should be a little more honest when he is fishing managed Trophy waters where that is the norm for most good crankbait and topwater fishermen. Might be a little misleading and lead people to believe he caught them out of a normal public lake when he just says "public water" and he is in his regular Bass Boat. I posted on it again who would have figured but I will not post fish from managed trophy lakes and just tell people it's "public water" in my promo photos.

    Business is business. Concern yourself with your own business more and maybe you will get less people wanting refunds due to you taking so long. If you haven't noticed yet, more and more companies have been taking your business due to your time issues. Concern yourself more with your own problems.

  7. Good question. Overall, I think, we as consumers tend to see a wide glide as being a better bait. I don't necessarily agree with that tho. And between some baitmakers, it almost seems like it can be a dick measuring contest to see who can make a bait with the widest glide.


    In my observances tho, slow wide gliding baits get more followers than a tight glide bait, but maybe not more bites. And it also depends on how you retrieve either glide bait, ie; long darting dive/glides, tight erratic twitches, slow slalom, etc.


    So, I don't know if there's a right answer to this question. I feel like it's more about knowing what the fish wants any given day, and that could be either type of glide.

  8. I had no idea it would go for what it did on ebay. I was honestly shocked and humbled by it and I never bragged about it. As for hyping the bait. Yes that is why I showed cast to catch video and pics of fish caught and the detailed swim video. To build demand and hype. Just about every small time bait makers raise thier prices especialy as they release new batches. If I can figure out a way to keep the prices at $200 then I will if not I will need to adjust. Anybody who has watched my history knows I don't price my baits based on what I think is the highest I can get. I do my best to keep the prices reasonable and still make enough money to make it worth it and I will continue to do that.


    I don't know of any bait makers that have raised their price from batch 1 to batch 2.... You've been testing all these versions for over a year, correct? So, why all of a sudden did you now realize how much extra work the slow sinkers were to make???


    If you knew they were going to be so much more work, you should have factored that into the original asking price. But if you didn't realize how much work they were going to be, then the slow sinkers must not have had as much R and D, correct?


    Also, something else needing cleared up... In the future, will the floaters stay at $200 if the slow sinkers are, say $230?


    Do what you want, it's your business, but I think it would help if you just left the price alone... My opinion.

  9. As someone who gets hated on here in this forum for liking certain baits over others, I will honestly say this... The bait looks great in and out of the water. It seems to catch fish. I trust there has been enough testing and prototyping done to ensure it's strength and durability. $200 is a fair asking price when you look at the competition.




    As soon as I saw it posted on eBay by Oliver, I was instantly taken back. To me, it was a very blatant attempt to hype a bait. The reasoning 'to recoup costs' was laughable and only made Mattlures come off worse. It was obvious the main reason was build hype and grow the demand and get people talking more about it (which is business). You should have at least owned up to that and then happily taken your paycheck (of which, I sure hope there wasn't some sort of weaseling done to get the bid to $1k) . EVERY SINGLE PERSON I have talked to about it, saw it the way I'm describing.


    If the price was set at $200 before the hype train started, leave it there. Once I heard you were ramping up the costs, I was again taken back. You've gained the notoriety for it, so the demand and hype is still there. The price is fair where it is.


    How many companies charge more for a sinking model!??!?!?! That's absurd, Matt. Own up, or leave the price alone.


    -a potential customer

  10. Bad day? Because im not ready a raring to go on this bait? there are plenty of reasons. Igonorant?


    1. Months ago you were still "working out bugs with the floater". Which, is like a jointed punker.. I believe Jfish did that with the atomic punk years ago.. so thats not even a new design, its a fx killer instinct.


    2. I was in awe when there was a bait being raffled to "recoup costs" because the first raffle brought so much $$$. You recoup cost thru selling the baits I thought, thats how normal business works. I mean do your own thing its a free country but rubbed a ton of people wrong i talked to.


    3. a very pompous statement was made about how Matt couldnt believe the action of this glide or that glide and his isn going to be the best ever blah blah blah.... this is there first true true glide baits that Ive seen. The hardbass glides were more like two piece swimmers,

    admitted by matt himself. Then after the release he said that was the only batch because tuning in that style bait takes soooo long. Boo hoo, not really.


    4. Ive seen the bapes in action, in person. Meh. Not a super bad bait but def not the best ever, but thats ok its the first true glide. But ripping on everyone else with no glide track record. that was brutal. Im getting ripped on but dude already insulted mad makers with his statements. but he gets a pass... f that.


    A few fish and videos are good. But thats not alot of r&D. Once a final desing and action is tuned in then THAT bait should be tested. Also how many have been made so that the consistency from bait to bait doesnt vary much? Glides arent  a lipless hardbait that you can just crack out. Every pour you learn something and can fine to the procedure.


    This is an honest assesment from me, no hate or angst. I have nothing against matt, I actually was exctied to see what he was going to do, claiming all this RD and stuff. To me r&d can aswer questions like, will these baits last for more that a year. How will they stand up to hook rash. Will the pin break. But thats just me I guess. The standard is low because people make swimbaits and then sell em with NO RD, so doing anything looks so amazing.

    Baits come and go. especially gliders. Matts late to the show on this one. There are glide baits that have been owning and have proven track records. Gancraft 230 has been doing work for who knows how long, way before deps. while im not saying matts baits wont be great fish catchers... the intro and demeaning pf proven baits made me expect more, from what ive seen not that impressed with the action.. they look great, but so did middlefish.

    just being honest, i could care less if people dont like that or whatever. There is no agenda, i make baits, i know this will come up, but i dont consider myself in any class with a maker like matt or hinkle or those guys... im a hobbiest. this is coming from a swimbaiters point of view watching this whole love fest unfold


    #2. 100%!!!!

  11. Indeed, good question! Maybe you could try fan casting in "sections". Say, you fan cast 5 times on your left from the bank out, 3-5 feet increments. Then, do the same thing on the right side, and finish off fan casting in front of you. If you have structure you are casting around, fan cast the same piece of structure, but come at it from 3-4 different angles. Fish can be stubborn and want their meal presented to them in a specific way. Just walking down the bank fan casting 40 feet each time, the same way, can catch fish, but you should always switch it up. Eventually, you will learn what the fish on that body of water prefer.

  12. Thanks, but has he come out with any newer versions of the bait, some of those post were from over a year ago


    Hey bud, I know the company, and people here don't like that I do... The company has gone thru a few different changes over the last few years. Each generation of the baits have gotten better and better. All I can offer as far as actual advice is to just give them a try. Purchase a couple, and if you aren't satisfied, ask for your money back, they will return it. Make it that simple. PM me if you have any other questions, because Mr. High Power Swimbaits is very caught up in their company for some reason, and hates seeing anyone talk about them. Shoot me a PM if you have any other questions. I will help with what I can. Thanks!

  13. Sounds more like a prophecy than a review. I wouldn't mind seeing this thread deleted and seeing an actual review of this bait.

    Rizzo, instead of being fish30acre's bat boy and spewing inherently ignorant blind support of an unproven bait all over this forum, how about you tie one on this spring and don't put the dam thing down until you have an actual review for us.

    Boom or Bust, we'd all be interested in seeing how this bait performs in the long haul.


    Well said, VAngler. Really. New products and companies need time. I'm confident in them, maybe even a little bias haha, but time will tell us all more...

  14. Better photo shows your name since you forgot who you are.


    Randall, "Frank Rizzo" is a USERNAME on a public forum. Quit taking it so literal haha. Once again, why are you so concerned about Fish 30acre?!?!


    Matt Servant, you've got a great bait, everyone knows that. It's been out for a long time and has plenty of fish caught on it. Fish 30acre is new, their latest Deluxe Gill is brand new, and by the looks of it, it is in high demand. He's selling a ton now. Maybe they will all hate it, who knows, but people keep buying. Competition is good for business. You're a good guy, keep doing your thing.


    Bottom line, Fish 30acre is coming. Whether you hate them, love them or just see them as a threat, they are coming. Everything with them now, is just a flicker of what they are going to be...

  15. Mr. Randall K.


    Let me get this right... The more smiley faces I add, the funnier my post will be?? And do you just sit in front of a computer waiting for someone to post about Fish 30acre? Honestly, because you are always sooo quick to reply when someone mentions them. It's kinda weird... And keep stalking Ryan and his company (it's obvious your concern for them), but I'm sure he has bigger fish to fry than to worry about what a washed up, illiterate ignorant thinks.

    Seems pretty hypocritical for Ryans buddy to criticize me when he is the biggest troll on this site. viewtopic.php?f=28&t=13255&start=70 And lets not forget about the way the rest of Ryan's other buddys are so fast to post about how great his baits are on Facebook after Ryan makes a post. I guess they just sit around waiting for Ryan to make a post then post how great they are in minutes. In the past couple of weeks I have about four or five other companies and people that have been ticked off as well so it's not just Fish 30 Acre. It's any person that is posting a bunch of BS or misleading people. I just say it if I think it pretty much whether it's positive or negative about the subject and I just live my life that way. I am not trying to fool anyone or sell myself or baits as something I or they are not. But this isn't about me it's about you being Ryan's buddy and promoting his baits here with your misleading biased review and being hypocritical about my paint at the same time when I have seen some fish 30 acre baits with problems much worse to worry about than some detailed dots on the gills. And I am not that quick to reply. I knew who you were and your ties to fish30acre when you were criticizing my paint but waited until now to call you out on it.


    Randall, I'm sorry, but you are blatantly wrong. I have absolutely no idea who that guy is in the picture. Believe that or not. So, tell your P.I. friend that he got it wrong. And anyone with an internet can find out where someone has lived or have someone become friends with said person on Facebook and stalk him that way ("Ryan's Glasses").


    And if gaining friends in this business is wrong, then you're doing everything right. Are you jealous of his friends too?! I imagine you don't have many... And God forbid fish30acre has fans!!! God forbid they use social media!!!


    You're obviously jealous/threatened or else are just a really big fan, because you are way too into fish30acre and what Ryan is doing with his life not to be. And yes, as a friend/fan of his, along with other bait builders, I can tell you that Ryan and fish30acre have absolutely no care or concern for what you are doing. Like I said, they've got much bigger things on their plate than to worry about what someone of your caliber has to say.


    That's all I'm saying on this matter. I know the guy, I know the company, I like the baits, and bottom line, they will take care of you for anything. They're a young company, so more and more fish will come, in time. And Randall, if you're threatened now, realize, they are maayyybe at like 8%......

  16. Mr. Randall K. of High Power Swimbaits,


    Let me get this right... The more smiley faces I add, the funnier my post will be?? And do you just sit in front of a computer waiting for someone to post about Fish 30acre? Honestly, because you are always sooo quick to reply when someone mentions them. It's kinda weird... And keep stalking Ryan and his company (it's obvious your concern for them), but I'm sure he has bigger fish to fry than to worry about what a washed up, illiterate ignorant thinks.

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