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Everything posted by F.Rizzo

  1. Not even fan boys. You give them too much credit. I hear they are a little tighter then that. This is Rizzo. Real name too. I hear he and Ryan used to hang out in Eau Claire Wisconsisn together. They like to dress up like nerds. Is that Ryan's glasses you have on. Vang were you up there with Ryan and Rizzo too? Not sure what point your trying to prove here.... Only thing you seem to be proving is that you like to troll posts about Fish 30acre and chime in from time to time when no one asks you to. It's obvious there's some issue you have with them. Did they do something to you? Is it animosity, or jealousy? I'll go with jealousy. An illiterate, jealous of a young, up and coming company because he sees them as threat? Maybe that's what it is? If you can't contribute constructively about the baits, then why bother making a fool of your brand and company??? Then again, "run your business" however you want, because you're not going anywhere. Fish 30acre, on the other hand, I'm sure have much bigger plans for their company.
  2. Very solid well built looking baits. Never owned any but follow them on facebook. Check out their new gizzard shad. It's bad ass! Some of his baits tend to look a little too "toylike" for me tho.
  3. I got a couple of the Delux Gills to try out, and, the color of these don't look much like any Gills in Massachusetts. I havent thrown them yet with all the snow and ice here, but, will try em out in the spring. Mattlures Hardgills are the best gill lure I've ever owned, and, the coloration is second to none, period. I've had real gills actually swim along with Matts hardgill, so that tells a story in itself. Probably send out the 30 Acre Gills to be painted by someone that knows about coloration in my area, or, try to color them myself. Different strokes for different folks. I've owned both. Both are the most realistic gill baits out there, can't argue that, but I think there's just more attention to detail in the 30acre bait. Especially the soft fins. And just wait til you swim it! Did you ask them if they could paint it different for you?
  4. I've got their Deluxe Gill bait. The latest version. Personally, I think it's the best bluegill bait on the market. Nothing against Mattlures, but this thing trumps his. Probably just a matter of time until people start recognizing it more. Slightly larger profile too. Perfect action and the paint job speaks for itself. I don't have any of the shad baits yet, but hope to soon. I know there are some guys here in Alabama who are living and dying by them tho. Seems to be a company taking off too. But that's about all I can speak of about their baits.
  5. You're still here? Ummm, why would I leave?
  6. I hear from all types of ppl, not just fishermen, that SoCal is full of toolbags, dickheads, douchebags, and hot bitches. So, I do agree with that being part of the reason. But, obviously, not always the case. Come to the Southeast, and you will find many, many more nice friendly people... I don't care what you catch, where you catch it, or what you caught it on, so long as you are enjoying yourself. Some people have problems with guys catching big bass on private waters, that doesn't bother me. If you caught a big bass on a small private lake, it jacked you up, great. Enjoy it. Will I be a little jealous? Of course. But I never want to try and take away another person's enjoyment in life if it's not anything breaking the law. Mr. Randall's take on these other baitmakers he speaks of, was a pretty convoluted. There does come a time when business is business and feathers will get a little ruffled, but as the baitmaker, you need to continue doing you own business as best you can and not worry about everyone else. Other baitmakers have bigger fish to fry..... And I feel like Mickey has started to mend some broken bridges or at least come to some realization on things... I say that only because I don't see him constantly commenting on posts like some other baitmakers do. Sometimes it's best to just leave stuff alone. He had a bad wrap from a lot of guys, but going away was the best thing for him, I feel. Ranting done for now.
  7. Depends on how I am fishing, but if it's topwater, I hesitate and watch the line move on the surface of the water, reel down to it and set it hard. If it's a faster moving bait, I set the hook right away as soon as I feel the hit. Sometimes I will set the hook again to drive the hooks in deeper.
  8. I have one and have fished it only a couple times for short periods. I fished it in a local farm pond, caught a few smaller bass on it. I would work it almost like a topwater bait, popping it as it sat on the top just above the weeds. Good little bait that did what it was supposed to do. Would just need more time with it in order to give it a more thorough review.
  9. This is awesome dude! I love me some smallies. This from Maine?
  10. ....that was hard to read, but I think I follow you... haha! Matt will show us all how it's done and no one will have any questions about the baits action. A buyer will know exactly what they are getting, how it should be.
  11. Like some are saying, I don't need one bait to do it all. That sounds good in theory, but I have no problem switching out from one bait to another. That's how fishing works really. Also, if there is one bait to prevent us from throwing any other bait, why would anyone ever use something other than it? Fish would start to recognize the lure if we were all throwing it. I like variety sometimes. Your bait just sounds like another great tool in the arsenal, but each bait will have it's place for me personally. As for videos and knowing what you're getting... I completely agree. Too many ppl showing the action using an 8 foot long pool and spinning rod. Then you got another guy..... he will go nameless..... that likes to post videos of his shad swimming at mach 10 speeds!! Cranking it in as fast as he can possibly real it in. I get it dude, it doesn't blow out at extremely high speeds haha! But do ya think you could post up some worthy videos of it swimming at regular speeds?! Not that other garbage video where you can't even see the lure in the water.... Yours truly, a potential future customer Back to you Matt, thanks for keeping it real and being honest with us all over the years. Greatly appreciated!
  12. Ridic. Awesome realism as per use.
  13. Ummmm if that was said about this guy's lure, I'd believe it....
  14. BRUH, you said you stopped it after 3 hours. Why stop it after 3 hours??
  15. Feel bad asking 235? I didn't ask sh!t but .99 to start. I didn't have an asking price. Let me explain how eBay works for those you who don't know because there are obviously a few. The potential buyers determine the price on an auction starting at a dollar. I'm sorry. But not many people would stop an auction half way and say. Welp. Item has hit retail pricing we will stop the bidding now and give it to the person closest to retail. I pulled the auction after 3 hours. It didn't get pulled by eBay. It was getting out of control so I gave it to the person who was the highest bidder at the time. The buyer said "thank you very much". I've been looking for one forever and is very satisfied. I don't find a damn thing wrong with that. Let me get this right... You're trying to make a point by saying "why would I stop an auction half way thru when it's close to retail?", but then you stop the auction after 3 hours because it was "getting out of control". You are contradicting yourself and sounding like a sketchfest douche. Let the bait sell for whatever it sells for, I don't care, but you aren't helping yourself any.
  16. Why not darken the pectoral fins??? That stands out right away when looking at the real shad! Why not take the time to do this? Because shad don't spawn year round. I don't think you know as much as you claim to. Reminds me of Thirtyacre. I think thirtyacre is your guy though. Go talk to him and you can bs each other about how much you want everybody to think you know. I have no idea what you're trying to get at by bringing up Thirtyacre. Sounds like there's some animosity there tho. Anyways, back to the picture... are you saying you did not want to copy the look of the baitfish in the water at that particular time then? Help me better understand why the fins don't match the fins of a shad that was just caught and pictured. Also, I've never claimed to know everything. I'm not a fisheries biologist. I'm just trying to better understand your reasoning for why you're doing what you're doing. And who knows, maybe you will pay more attention to detail work on your next batches because of me, the random retard on the forums haha.
  17. Ok, guys, it's a good mold of a shad. That's all tho. I can't speak for the action of the bait, but the paintjob is absolutely nothing remarkable. How many steps are taken in this paint schedule after the base coat?? 3 maybe?! And by adding this picture, you only are proving my point again... Why not darken the pectoral fins??? That stands out right away when looking at the real shad! Why not take the time to do this?
  18. Randall, to me, you aren't helping your cause. You are stating that you don't want to take the time and effort to make the bait look more realistic. I guess as a consumer, I want to know my bait maker is doing all he can do to make it imitate the forage. Can you at least say you molded the gizzard shad yourself? That doesn't really matter, but I would appreciate the bait more. Maybe I am being too nit picky here, but I can only assume I am making you consider what I am saying, and if that's the case, great. You have a backing on your baits, which is great, but it doesn't mean you should settle for just your "backers". I would want to please everyone and always keep trying to accomplish that goal. You're only one person, I get that, but if it were me, I would want to do everything I could to astound people, to make them appreciate the effort I put into the bait, to make everyone see that I just did all I could to make the bait as real as possible. Maybe I'm being unrealistic with my expectations for a premium bait, or maybe I just have to wait for another bait maker to blow me away. And I am sorry if I offended anyone, I don't mean to come off mean, I just wish I could appreciate the workmanship more. I'm sure this is all on me. Now I'm rambling. I blame the vodka now.
  19. I understand the biology of fish. Happy to see you do too. That's what we want in baitmakers. But, the layers and paint depth you speak of is very simple and doesn't take "skill". Notice in the picture I've attached that this is how a gizzard shad head looks. The larger the gizzard shad, the more predominant this is, and at 9 inches, your gliding gizzard would benefit by having these marks . At least you have admitted that you're not an artist... with the air brush anyways. I understand the intricacies in a realistic paint job are difficult to do. The realism in your bait come from your molded shad body, not the paintjob, tho the simple paint job will get the job done. But myself, I want these intricacies that you are lacking. And I hope you have at least molded the fish yourself. You have talent in knowing how/what to present to fish. I just want to see more in the paint job, that's all I'm trying to convey here, especially for the price point. I mean for this to be constructive criticism. And dear god am I no Bullshad nut hugger. I don't have the time or care to get into how awful those baits are. I am just a fellow bait enthusiast with appreciation for realistic fishing lures.
  20. It's a good looking mold of a gizzard shad, but let's be honest here, that paint job is awful. Anyone with an airbrush can do that. If I was going to pay $150+ for a bait, I'd at least like a baitmaker to have skills painting and take his time on the paint... It looks like he's added a purple hue to the new batch, guess that's better??
  21. check out the fish 30acre deluxe gill. bigger, realistic, and great action. not sure if hes still making them tho.
  22. Wish those things weren't a 4 month wait!!
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