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Everything posted by zanwhite

  1. In! This is too kind of you, thanks for the generosity
  2. I think I responded to all of the texts but let me know if I didn't. My cell service is sub par for this evening
  3. Purple magic and green mist, heavy sink. All I have right now is a stupid Instagram photo I deleted the original of, but can take more tonight. Somehow I ended up with 250$ in the pair so I would prefer to trade. Looking for HPH gizzard or hinkle shad for both, or I'm interested in an 11" triple trout or 9-11" Rago Alpha Trout for 1 mag. $$$ can be added on either side to make it fair, just HMU and we can work something out. Text me 843-6O7-!334'
  4. 2 piece and 3 piece punkers, as well as an old 3:16 I saw recently. These aren't my baits, but I thought I'd share with you guys
  5. I'm sure the wait is well worth it! I have messed with putting huddgill-style tails onto matts gills before, but the plastics and paints aren't very similar. I'm pumped for a legit version from the man himself
  6. I've been seeing pictures everywhere of baits with the tails being cropped out of the pics. I have been enlightened on the new tail style, but has anyone heard any info on what time of year he plans on making them available to the general public? I want a trout badly... Thanks!
  7. Fill the hole with wood filler and paint an eye-patch on it! The bass will just think it had lasik or sumsin
  8. Let me know what you're asking, I would prefer that any Hudds be rof 12 and in rainbow or greenbow colors. Thank you for your time. Also if anyone has any 8" hudds in trout colors that are rof 16, hit me up! My number is 843-607-133Four
  9. My buddies came with black knobs and the mint green knobs as well
  10. Huh, I've only ever fished college bassmaster and flws and I guess never read the rules very well....
  11. Haha they aren't messing around, it says the winner of the tournament will be subject to a polygraph test! I assume to make sure only swimbaits were used, but I think it's awesome regardless...
  12. dark and light gill, mystery black. Just saw it and figured I would spread the word for those not on IG
  13. If you want to split, I'll take the burrito
  14. Tactical Bassin has a great video about different lure retrievers and how to use them. If you're broken off already, a section of chain link fence and some rebar are your best bet for dragging. I tried dragging a cast net before, and all it did was ruin my net and still didn't get the bait back
  15. I use 90 lb and did have to re-do my rig after the 3rd fish on the bait, it kinked the wire and I didn't like my chances with it anymore... I'll get a little thicker next time after I run out
  16. He commented what has been sold already. Unless something happens, I would assume that what he already said is correct and that the flash carp is not still available
  17. For those patiently waiting, be assured that these work
  18. The awesomeness of this is just too much, y'all are good peoples
  19. I say everyone just starts adding the weight and length together. We could start referring to DD's as 35ers
  20. I got a bubblegum 68 special recently and after feeling the bait, noticed there were 2 huge air bubbles, one in the tail and about half way between the dorsal fin and tail. I swam it, and it does sink, but when I drop it to the bottom it sits straight up and down vertically like a stand up shaky head worm. I've not fished it much, but I don't see how this could really be a bad thing
  21. bluegill Also, if you look at the topic above that was linked, the last comments show which one is green mist or sumthing that I think you were looking for
  22. They were mostly out of 3 ponds in the nearby area from me, that one in particular looked like he was about to keel over... They've been smashing shad allot lately so hopefully they fatten up. Talked with 3:16 today and got my bait in the mail to be fixed, great folks over there!
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