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Everything posted by MichiganBassman

  1. Thanks everyone. And I know :/ I told my dad to get a video of me but he didn't know how to get on my iPhone and do it Haha. Plus it was the one day I forgot my gopro... Figures. But it was a awesome fish to catch regardless. Thanks everyone for the cool comments. My dad is still grinning from ear to ear.
  2. I had the exact same thing. Same back hook on my babywake bend on on a 3 and a half pounder. Weird right??? Like I have landed around 12-15 fish on mine and it only took a 3 and a half to do it
  3. Today, my dad caught a fish of a lifetime. This Muskie went 54" long. I couldn't be happier for my dad. He put in years in searching for these monsters and it finally paid off. He caught it on a medusa casting lure. I know it's not a bass swimbait but I figured it was close enough. He caught her on the figure 8 at the end of a cast. Came up and inhaled the bait. A minute later she was in the net. After a quick photo, we set her in the water. She wouldn't go down right away and sat near us floater right side up. So I did what any fisherman would do and jumped in (: I was able to swim next to her and keep her moving forward getting fresh water in her gills. After a minute swimming with her she gave me 3 kicks and she was off. Beautiful fish. I won't soon forget.
  4. That whole garage setup looks awesome. Need something like that
  5. Just like the title says. I got baits to trade as well as cash to add on top. Love to get my hands on one. 248-828-5772.
  6. Lost my bull shooter today and I need another one. Will pay good money for one let me know ASAP. Text me at 248-828-5772
  7. Looking for one of those nice shads. I have multiple baits to trade including a basically new OG flash carp, bull shooter 160, and more. Please let me know and I'm sure we can work out a deal. Text 248-828-5772 for a faster response
  8. that sucks man!! Cool you got it on camera though. My buddy had the exact same thing with a smallie and his 250. Unreal.
  9. Those are some solid prices right there. Great guy. Should go quickly
  10. Never have even thought about it. Yea a lot of the bass look like they come up to examine the bait before they eat. Not sure if that's what they are doing or what. But if they eat like that again I would get them. I'll have to see.
  11. Ive been told that by someone else I believe, unfortunatly I do not. I might have to get one though if this keeps up. You think the 175 will still draw the fish up to strike? It's a deeper lake and I could only seem to get attention on a 68 which they wouldn't strike at all.
  12. recently my buddy and I have been fishing this lake with big ole Michigan smallmouth and largemouth. My buddy has had atleast 2 smallies both easily 6lbs smash his 250. But the problem we are having is we will get the fish to commit next to the boat, the smallies more so then the largemouth will eat the 250 head first and miss the hook, they can't fit that much in their mouths, or are not trying to Atleast. My question to you guys is, are there any tricks you do to the bait (feather hook, painting a hook red) to get them to Target the middle of the bait/hook area? Thanks
  13. There are a few guys on here from Michigan that throw swimbaits. I from Michigan. Big bass everywhere will eat swimbaits. Just gotta fish the right areas with the right baits. What area are you from?
  14. Looks like more money than my first years worth of college. Excellent collection
  15. Does Mass get a 2.5lb advantage still? Based on the last 4 years worth of tourneys?
  16. +1 on the Eric aske leader, works like a charm on all my swimbaits, and you don't need to worry, as for pike shredding hudds/ soft baits idk, seems like that's the only thing that eat my hudds are pike . And you can't really avoid pike. Literally they will go anywhere and are less affected by weather than bass. Good luck out their man!
  17. Need to fund another purchase, asking 115$ shipped. My number is 248-828-5772, text me and I'm sure we can figure something out. Thanks
  18. I've had kind of the same issues, seems to me when I set the hook the hook goes right into the body of it and not the fish. It's a hit or miss for me when I think about it. Ive lost a few and some that inhale it but I've also landed a few good ones on it. So I like them overall
  19. Holy ish, that wrap is ridiculious! Can't even tell there's a skin on there or anything. Nice bait man!
  20. Always enjoy watching your videos!!! Keep it up man
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