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Everything posted by whompuscat658

  1. Awesome. Need to get one on a big sb soon
  2. You just made my day, dude. Thank you. love it when positive people roll through
  3. I appreciate that. It definitely took me a long time to get her...
  4. Thanks, everyone. Yes, it went just over 28 inches without a tail pinch. Definitely my biggest eye by far...
  5. It was just over 28 inches without a tail pinch...
  6. I hooked another nice one once the sun went down but I lost it st my feet.
  7. Caught this eye today before the sun went down on the medium s waver in lite trout. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gfRN5xyFMsQ
  8. Caught this eye today before the sun went down on the medium s waver in lite trout. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gfRN5xyFMsQ
  9. First it seemed like you were disagreeing but then you acknowledged it's bad so I'm not sure what to say. The fact that everyone does it isn't an argument, though. Regardless, I think it's clear that one method of holding them can be harmful and the other method is clearly safer. The difference in the amount of effort required to do a horizontal hold vs a vertical one is negligible so I'd say it's best to err on the side of caution.
  10. Caught this fishing Colorado State University's irrigation lake. Got some nice bass too on sbs
  11. I saw that one. Thanks though. I understand it's a copy but if they're put together well I might try one.
  12. As of right now I've found a few people who recommend them here and there but that can be said for any lure. They're expensive so I'd like to make sure they're legit as far as quality. If anyone has any anecdotes regarding such things id appreciate them. Thanks
  13. I went through a bunch of search results without finding exactly what I'm looking for. Maybe I missed it. I'm well aware of the search function but it's a lot of data to sort through.
  14. Forgive me if this has been discussed but what's the consensus with ABT lures? Speocifally, I'm looking at the glide in 7in.
  15. I love pyramid. Need to get back there this fall.
  16. Got my first Smallie on the s-waver today. It's the 6-3/4in one in lite trout. I cast parallel to shore among rocky structure and slow rolled it after letting it sink like twenty seconds. He hit once, I had him on and then lost him. I fired it back out and did the same exact thing and gotems!!! Hopefully the Smallie bite is just heating up and this is only my first of many. I've caught walleye on the s-waver and hooked a nice lake trout once but it's cool to get my first bass on it.
  17. I went to pyramid lake for three days. I wanted to stay longer but some unfortunate, unexpected things occurred. I fished with a big sierra spoon that I bought there for most of the time. It, I threw some swimbaits for a little and got some fish on the bbz1. It was a pretty awesome trip. Didn't get any monsters but caught a ton of fish-it was essentially constant action the entire time. Can't wait to go back. The Smallie action has been picking up in my n class of the woods and I've been trying to get one on a sb. Hopefully soon...I'll be sure to share!
  18. Awesome, dude. I bought a six inch hudd in rof12 that I plan on throwing a bunch.
  19. I was wondering how you've done for pike at those spots on sbs...any nice ones?
  20. Dude, swimbait trout in South Park?!?!? Sweet! Gotta try it....what about pike?
  21. If there's money involved, people will find a way to scam...shame shame
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