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Everything posted by OkeechobeeJC

  1. I found a regular Bass color 3:16 Wake Jr from Mickey's last batch.Now looking for a Lit-Up Bass Wake Jr from the last batch. Preferably BNIB or in mint condition.PM me if you have one.I have some money $$$ for you.Thank you for your time!
  2. Well done Brian! I'm a BIG fan of the 3:16 Wake Jr as well...
  3. Bigpoppabass always blaming the eager beavers....
  4. Very cool looking Pizz Customs The Natural Bluegill paint pattern on your 3:16 Wake Jr. Paul "Pizz" Smith does an amazing job for a lot of SU members. Good luck with your sale Cody!
  5. 3:16 Lure Company Freestyle Shad in Slow Sink Custom painted by Swimbait Underground member Cory Schell ( CJS2500 )
  6. Fantastic news Craig! Well done my friend! Let me know when I'm sending you other 3:16 Lure Company baits you might need later this Summer...
  7. OkeechobeeJC


    Purchased a 3:16 Wake Jr from Chad on Thursday afternoon and I already have it! Supersonic shipping and awesome price.Feel confident doing business with TNBASSIN fellas.Thanks bro!
  8. Need to buy two 3:16 Wake Jr back-ups from Mickey's last Wake Jr batch preferably BNIB or mint condition: 1 - Bass color 1- Lit-up Bass color PM me if you have them and thank you for your time.Cheers!
  9. Lmfao! All I wanna know is if bigpoppabass is gonna be throwin' his 3:16 swimbaits with the smelly jelly and glitter "bigpoppabass style"
  10. Lmfao! Exactly! All my repaints with these amazing SU swimbaiting artists are all knockoffs apparently.However the only snag is that all my 3:16 baits have factory paint on when they receive them to rule out any fraudulent shenanigans on my end.All is well...carry on.
  11. I know most of you are aware that we have several very talented swimbaiting artists on Swimbait Underground but today I want to give a huge shoutout to Cory Schell from California.Sent him a 3:16 Lure Company Freestyle Shad SS to see what he could do with it.Requested a Bass pattern color since that works best for me here in Southwest Florida and this is what he did for me......OMG! Amazing work Cory! Don't send him swimbaits for paint if you're in any kind of hurry because he takes his time but as you can see it is well worth the wait! Thanks Cory...you really hit it out of the park brother.
  12. Big shout out to one of the coolest SU members in here: TJ aka Rubberdaddy I recently lost the only 3:16 Lure Company 6" Freestyle Trout I owned to a nasty big ol' Florida gar....Thanks for hooking me up brother!
  13. Louis Winthorp from the movie Trading Places says: SELLING 3:16 GLIDES AT $200 EACH !!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Amazing day Tim! You guys killed it brother.Cheers!
  15. Okey doke Forrest....I mean Brandon.Have a wonderful life......mmmmmmkay?
  16. Thanks Chad! Need a backup in that exact color.Lucky me! Cheers!
  17. Oh and one last piece of advice Brandon Roberts....next time you want to throw shade on me don't forget to scroll through my Swimbait Underground member feedback thread.I just bumped it up for you so you can find it easy.Find any evidence of the "3:16 problems" I supposedly have with so many positive trades and transactions.A lot of advocates and happy SU members on my feedback thread. Let me know when you have a thread with positive member feedback that will prove you're not just an immature opportunistic troll with shady trades...
  18. Karma huh kid? I'm gonna get what I deserve for advising my friends here in Swimbait Underground by only saying CAVEAT EMPTOR (Buyer Beware) because you posted your fugazi 8" Freestyle Trout in non-factory paint for sale on Swimbait Badlands for quite a while (unless you had more of the exact one made) and had ZERO takers? And now you put your fugazi FS Trout for trade here on Swimbait Underground asking only for a $100 value 3:16 Freestyle Shad straight up on a trade that only makes sense to you my child? Hope you had fun at your prom kid and stop coming in here threatening people with your "karma vengeance theory". Get over yourself and pay more attention to your prom date.Hope you don't turn into the new Campo Trader Jack character on Swimbait Underground...
  19. Good stuff Jason and congratulations on your daughter brother...
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