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Posts posted by dosesqs

  1. I can't say enough about Realistic Wraps. I bought my son one of the pink colorway 175's (used) for his birthday and sent it to Alex to get a baby bass wrap. He ran into some problems with his clear coat vendor and it took some time, so he discounted the price for the delay. But, I don't think you can beat $20 including shipping back - and his work is awesome. He even delicately changed the color of the tail.

  2. Thanks, guys.

    Yeah, the crappie was pretty good size and if I'd brought my ultralight, I would have tried to pick up a fish fry.  That was a really cool bite.  My first cast with that bait and I was watching it come back and I thought it looked a little funny, like it wasn't swimming right.  Just as I say that, this mouth opens up and sucks the whole bait in just as smooth as silk. 

  3. I've spent the better part of two days looking (well, drooling over) this entire thread.  Obviously, totally new to the site and I'm not sure what to think.  For the longest time, I have been the sickest person I know (well, as far as acquiring an absurd number of fishing "tools" goes).  Seriously, people would walk past my house, look into my garage from the street and go, "so, you like fishing, huh?"  After seeing all your collections, I'm nearly embarrassed!  I've been fishing seriously for over 40 years.  I did the tournament thing in the early '90's when I moved to SoCal from AZ.  I've caught four DD bass, none on a swimbait.  I started buying swimbaits back in the late '90's, but a wife, career and three kids started to limit my time on the water, not to mention my budget.  I wasn't enjoying epic success on the big baits either and found that I could catch more fish on more conventional baits when I found the time to hit the water.  Recently, my 16 y/o son has gotten me full-bore into swimmers and onto this site.  From looking at this thread, I'm not sure whether that's a good thing.  I'm scared.  :shock:  Because you guys are sick, sick, sick - - just ill to the gills.  I'll post pics of my "collection" later, but promise you won't laugh. 

  4. I was suspicious of these hooks at first, too. But, they seemed sharp, so I kept them and haven't missed a bite yet. And, bigpoppa is right, unlike a lot of newer hooks, they can be honed. I'll take them and tie feathers on them if you are going to trade them out.

  5. I really like the Gantarel and would probably have more, but they have a tendency to spin on the cast. I have reduced the problem with some suspend dots, but can anyone recommend a really cast able gill glide bait that is as effective as the Gantarel?

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