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Flee Shad Blank Clear Coat Suggestions?


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Hey Swmb8ers,

I just received a flee shad blank I'm looking to paint with krylon fusion spray paint and trying to figure out what I'm going to use for the clear coat.

I've seen some people say different spray aerosol cans as well as Alumi UV or KBS and dipping.

If the bait is already put together is it fine to dip or would this create some mobility issues with dried epoxy on the joints?

Wasn't sure if I should look into spraying or painting the clear coat with a brush if dipping is out of the question.

Would love to hear about your personal experience in this area.


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Any paint or finish can create mobility issues if there is to much on the joint area, if this is your first paint and finish then I would suggest a spray finish... you would be less likely to be heavy handed with the finish.

Personally I have moved to UV Hard resin to finish baits, for me it ends the drips, clumps and fisheye issues.

KBS takes exact conditions to spray and dry properly and takes up to 2 weeks to fully cure.

Auto finish is good but more expensive.

Epoxy is tough but thick.

Almost all finish products need to be on a turner.

With any finish experience is the key to a good job.

Good Luck!

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