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Memorial Day Let's Honor America's True Heroes


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May God bless our vets and those still serving in harms way to keep us safe. Memorial Day is a day to give thanks for men and women who were and are willing to put themselves in harms way to keep our Country Free. It is a day that should call us to prayer for their safety and well being. We have many Vets that are home now but struggling to come to terms with what they had to see and do while again fighting for our freedom. There are Vets that have payed a high price and will physically and mentally never be the same again. There are families that have lost their loved ones that we need to thank, encourage, and pray while honoring the legacy of their lost ones. There were Vets that came home from Vietnam dismembered, injured,with PTSD only to be called baby killers and murderers that need to be appreciated and given honor like any other Veteran for their sacrifice. If you know someone that has served or is serving I would encourage you to thank them for their service and keep them and their families in your prayers. If you just happen upon someone in their uniform that you do not know I would encourage you to thank them for their service. If there are any Veterans or families that have lost loved ones that served in the Armed Services that belong to this site or just happen to come across this site I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service and sacrifice. May God Bless you and may God continue to bless the United States of America.

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On Memorial Day I always take time to remember the brother of one of my best friends. Major Ricardo Crocker, USMC, did not have to go back to Iraq, but he did because his "boys" were still there, and he was responsible for them. On his 2nd tour he made the ultimate sacrifice. As you read this, take a moment of silence to remember Rick and all the other servicemen and women who willingly put their lives on the line so that we can engage in pastimes like throwing swimbaits instead of worrying about whether we're going to get invaded.

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Good afternoon I hope everyone out there will have a blessed Memorial Day. I pray that we as a people will honor the lost and not just today but every day by living lives that would bring great honor and joy to the fallen. Let us remember that this life is not just about us but what we can do to help others giving of our selves just as these men and women did by so freely by paying the ultimate price laying down their lives for the sake of others. Our freedom was bought at a such a great price let us never forget that and let us not take this freedom for granted but cherish it by living every day to the fullest. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.

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