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Stolen goods found. But nothing I can do


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Sorry to hear bud, he mentioned your name in a message and that the police were involved, said he wasn’t sure what to do. I tried to persuade in doing the right thing.  He told me to message you on Facebook which I don’t have.  They sold for $208, I offered $250 and got denied.  Not sure if he's on to me or having second thoughts.  Hopefully the latter. His name was Brian, but was pretty upfront about it.  Hope you get your baits back or somehow reimbursed, wish it woulda panned out better

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11 hours ago, bake and waker said:

Sorry to hear bud, he mentioned your name in a message and that the police were involved, said he wasn’t sure what to do. I tried to persuade in doing the right thing.  He told me to message you on Facebook which I don’t have.  They sold for $208, I offered $250 and got denied.  Not sure if he's on to me or having second thoughts.  Hopefully the latter. His name was Brian, but was pretty upfront about it.  Hope you get your baits back or somehow reimbursed, wish it woulda panned out better

Yes I made contact with him. It sound like after giving him $50 for pawn shop and ebay fees I will get them back. But these sadly aren't all my baits. Just some of the spendier ones. The pawn shop lied about the date these baits were sold to them. So I'm going after the pawn shop next, cause this is only 1/4 of the baits. I really appreciate you talking to the dude on my behalf as well. This whole process is like pulling teeth from a angry tiger lol.

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No worries man, im glad to hear he came to his senses and your getting some back at least, most don’t.   I’ve been jacked a few times, even on my birthday.     Shiat sucks but appreciate the fact you can still go fishing, it could have been a lot worse.  Remember when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.  Keep your head up bud

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