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RKane Interview

SU News

SU teamed up with artist & fisherman Robert Kane to bring a new logo into our winter apparel lineup:  the Swimbait Underground x Rkane Collaboration Bass design. Robert was kind enough to answer some questions for us to give the community a better idea about the designer.




Where are you from?


So I’m from Whitman Mass, the South Shore, about 35-40 min south of Boston.




How long have you been fishing?


I've been fishing since I was like 7/8.  I actually learned and caught the bug from my aunt Kathy.  She would take me as a kid and that’s where I found the love.  And also my neighbor Mark - he taught me how to tie flies around the same time.




When did you hear about swimbaits / start throwing them and getting interested in them? 


About 4/5 years ago I got into the big baits and that’s only because I had this fisherman hit me up and asked if I could re paint some of his swimbaits. I never painted baits before but I was willing to give it a try. I didn’t charge him but in return of painting his baits he gave me a box full of swimbaits.  One of the baits he gave me was a Roman Trick, and that bait is what ultimately gave me a swimbait addiction.




I heard that you make your own baits?


Yea, about a year and a half ago I decided  to give it a go.  I like to be creative and work with my hands and it gave me a chance to create outside of drawing and tattooing.  


I started to make myself swimbaits in the aspect if I lost it or destroyed it my wallet wouldn’t be hurting lol.  Swimbaits are expensive and a lot of them are so hard to get your hands on.  I never made anything out of wood before but one day I ran to Home Depot bought a band saw & a little belt sander, came home and started to carve a fish.


It was interesting, from the first to my most recent bait I’ve caught fish on.  Each one I make, I adjust a little to perfect the little things in it - length, swim , weight , and shape.  I figure do it this way before I start really getting into the “look”  and waste time on carving a face and gills and paint.  All those are aesthetics and are meaningless if the bait as a whole don’t work.  So far I’ve made a 3 peice crankdown , and a wake, and a 4 peice slow sink.




What inspired or influenced the way you made your baits?


Not sure to be honest.  The shape of them right now is nothing special.  I pretty much drew a football shape cut it out and sanded/rounded it out.  It’s almost like the little fish drawings you would make as a kid.  As far as joints and cuts I just measured all the baits i had  in my swimbait box , figuring there had to be some common ground between each of them.




What is your favorite memory in regards to swimbait fishing?  


We fished all day in a light drizzle , hit everywhere with no bites , I was literally falling asleep inside the boat , not knowing my buddy was doing the same , we fished for about 8/9 hours but didn’t say a word we kept grinding, I tell my buddy "dude I just fell asleep." Haha he said he did too.  We agreed to make our way back to the truck  as we are going back we can’t help but toss a few casts here and there at every tasty spot. Might as well right? It’s on our way.


We come up to a point and my buddy Donnie says a fish just jumped behind us.  I laughed cause it was the first bit of action all day.  I reeled in and kind of made a joke and casted behind us like a jackass not thinking anything of it.  The bait (6 inch Hudd) hit the water and no more than 2 seconds my Low Down H rod loaded up! This thing nailed it... I start reeling & I could feel it’s weight.  It jumped we saw it my heart was like ohhhhhh f*%kkkkk, so I kept reeling tip in the water but I felt nothing.  I thought I lost her... I kept reeling and there was no tension.  I’m almost at the boat and I stopped reeling being super bummed out that I lost the only fish of the day.  Then all of a sudden this clever fish turned around and went straight down loading up the rod again.  Smart fish just swam towards the boat faster than I could reel!


My buddy scooped her up in the net, I was like holy crap that’s a smallie of a lifetime here in Massachusetts.  My heart was racing adrenaline was pumping & hands are shaking. That’s why we do what we do.  How emotions and everything can change with a single cast.  Just in that one moment, you forget about the 9 hours in the cold, rain, falling asleep, hungry, ect.  None of that even matters we fish for that moment & that memory.




What your favorite thing about the swimbait community?  


My favorite thing is that people that are into swimbaits are extremely into swimbaits.  The community is great - it’s hardcore in the aspect of dedication to that style of fishing and the craft that goes with it.




What is your artistic background?


I’ve always been drawing ever since I was like 3/4 years old - its all I ever wanted to do.  I went to college with a scholarship for illustration.  I wanted to work for Disney but tattooing fell in my lap right after college.  Not knowing anything about that industry I gave it a whirl,  and it’s allowed me to create my art and travel the world and meet so many amazing people and open up so many doors it’s incredible.


I have been tattooing now for almost 10 years  and I feel blessed everyday that I get to wake up and make a living drawing things I love.  The first shop that I learned at closed after the first 2 years. I’m now at Stinky Monkey tattoos in Kingston Mass where I get to work alongside some truly amazing people.




What’s your favorite style of artwork? 


Favorite style is definitely anything  illustrative.  I love things that tell a story, that bend and break the rules of being straight forward.




As an artist who or what are your biggest influences?


Oh man, there are so many influences.  You can find inspiration and influence in pretty much anything, as long as you can see the beauty in it. 


I just think life is the biggest influence.




Follow Robert on Instagram to check out his latest artwork & his Big Cartel for available prints.



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