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Adam Cargill

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Everything posted by Adam Cargill

  1. Those vids are so sick. Thank you for postin'em Butch.
  2. Adam Cargill


    Awesome Robbie. Sweet fish. Keep'em comin' man.
  3. I'm so pumped for you JT. Awesome stuff right there!
  4. Straight choked it! Nice JT.
  5. Congrats Drew! Very good job.
  6. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAHHAAHHA LOL. I love it. Thanks for keeping things in perspective. Stoked to have you on the Forum.
  7. Yea Rocky!, Yea Nick! Sick day. Sorry you lost your fish, Rocky. Awesome Job nevertheless!!!!!!!!! Nothin' like an approaching low pressure system to make the big girls wanna play. May I ask the lake. PM maybe?
  8. A couple Rats from Wed. night. My scale ran out of batteries, so these didn't get weighed. Obviously they don't count. Just felt good to beat the skunk. Skunked last night (Thurs.) again.
  9. LOL. What did I miss. Lol. Fair game in this Tourney as far as I'm concerned. Butch is still in, in my eyes. Makes me want to go Spot Burning. LOL. J/K. Makes me realize how much of a rookie, I really am. Butch, Thank you for the motivation and "eye candy". You are an extraordinary Fisherman. Mickey, Jonel, Thank you for the benefit of doubt. P.S. I haven't even caught a rat this week.
  10. Oh, I'm still in... I could catch a Teener this week. Only problem is now we are all competing with the master. Lol. Good luck everyone.
  11. I set my drag a little differently for each Bait/Line/Rod and Reel Combination that I use... I like Braid a lot, and for that reason I think I tend to use a slightly lower Drag Setting than what I would say is the norm for Swimbait Fishing. Too light and a lost fish because of a slipped drag on the hookset is inexcusable, however. Too tight and bent/broken hook is also inexcusable. I will put a scale to my drags this week with a couple different Combos and post the results. I am interested to see the data, myself.
  12. I use my drag. I never lock it down.
  13. Stop throwing Swimbaits then... Lol. JK BryanD. If you want to seriously fish Swimbaits and have any chance at all of catching big fish, you will need to invest in a few different Rods. Probably 3. It is expensive, but the only way to get the full potential out of each bait is to have them paired with the appropriate Rod.
  14. ROF Ratings are usually per Ten Seconds, or about how deep the bait will run on a slow, steady retreive.
  15. Here you go, Zachattack. The SKT Line-Thru is somewhere around a ROF 5. I think your real close on the Rising Sons.
  16. I wiil post a pic of those baits, side-by-side, this evening.
  17. I know that most of the members of this Forum believed me when I said that I caught this fish on the 29th of January, 2011. I know that some of the members of this Forum don't know me from "Adam" though, so I wanted to make sure that I did post the link to proof of the catch. Lol. When is the next one? I'm ready.
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