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Everything posted by Primus

  1. Wake Jr, Baby Wake, Rising Son and the Minnow.
  2. Definitely on my Thanksgiving sale list , unfortunately my season is over but hoping to seeing reports on this bait.
  3. very impressive looking baits
  4. If you can find one get a medium sink which I prefer swimming situations over the slow sink. My favorite versions are the medium sink and the Floater. The Floater is a bad ass top water bait. Besides waking it I will often fish it with little rips similar to what you the way you would fish a prop bait. As was mentioned in a previous post it seems to be the best hardbait when fishing calm conditions and the realistic paint job seals the deal.
  5. Great story, love seeing a tournament won by swimbaits, Congrats !
  6. I've used nothing but Shimano baitcast reels for over 20 years and still even have a Curado BSF from way back then. As far as my 300 size reels I have the Curado D & E and also a couple of the Tranx reels. I would not hesitate to buy either Curado if it was in good condition and the price is right and I still use them. That said I like the Tranx a little better especially when fishing crank style baits that offer resistance on the retrieve like a Pat's Perch as I feel they Tranx are little more powerful in my hands than the Curado's. That said I have no plans to sell any them even though I may upgrade a couple of my older reels with another Tranx or 2 I will still hang on to the old ones in case I have one that needs service in the middle of fishing season as it's always good to have a back-up available. As a side note I did put a 200 SIZE Calcutta D on one of my Dobyns 795 rods, this set-up I use to fish braid with a leader for some of my soft swim baits and absolutely love this reel for this application and the tall narrow spool seems to have eliminated the wind knots that I would sometimes get when fishing braid on the wider spools on most 300 size reels. This reel has more line capacity than most of the other 200 size reels that Shimano offers so I feel it is more than sufficient in that regard and it is smooth as butter. I highly recommend it based on my experience for fishing braid.
  7. Trying 1 pack of the Gold.
  8. Looks like it could be a winner, that said I would like to see it in a Baby Bass or Perch color.
  9. I ordered a Baby Bass color, I have the older style in the Perch & Carp patterns. Pretty excited to add this to the line-up.
  10. Here is another Rat vid that you might find helpful ......
  11. It would be good to add a couple of good Gill baits to the arsenal. The Matt lures Hard Gill is a great bait that will get bit anywhere in the country and for a soft bait option check out the Matt lures Hammertail Bluegill.
  12. This is a good article featuring one of our members ..... https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrCwGF_Y5JcBnwAjQsPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1553126400/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.docktalk365.com%2fswimbaits-for-big-bass-in-maine-absolutely%2f/RK=2/RS=IgoNbUcB8i0WJe0hSe8Qcsqtp_o-
  13. Thanks for the review VolunteerSwimbaits .
  14. Megabass has a new bait , looks pretty cool https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Megabass_Megadog/descpage-MBMD.html
  15. I mostly throw Weedless Hudd 68's , Matt lures Gills , realprey shiners etc. I got it late summer and had to cut to cut my season short due to my son starting his hockey season and other things that kept me real busy last fall so I don't have a lot of time with that combo. That said it cast very well ( I use 2 brakes ) and it is very smooth refined reel. Very impressed so far, I managed to drag a couple of fish in ( unfortunately no lunkers yet with that reel ) and it handled them no problem. I will definitely will be giving it thorough workout when they start moving into shallow grass and hope to see it winch in some big ones out of the milfoil & lily pads. I don't have enough time with this reel to give it a total recommendation but if you are a guy who has confidence in Shimano and is comfortable with round reels you will probably be very happy with it. If not there is always ebay. Regarding my son ( proud Dad moment ) he had 3 goals ( what they call a Hat Trick ) and an assist the last game .
  16. I bought a 201 D last summer and so far I really like it. I have it on a Dobyns 795 with 65 lb Power Pro with a 20 lb Floro leader. I'm using it for weedless soft baits , I figured the narrower spool of a 201 reel would manage braid better to reduce wind knots & back lashes.
  17. Waynem I know all about the wallet drain aspect of big bait fishing
  18. I am curious if the knock offs perform as well the Evergreen ES Flat ? The Evergreen has been one of my favorite Glide baits.
  19. I would respectfully disagree with the above comment. I can think of a few baits like the line through Rago baits and the line through 316 Rising Son paddle tail baits that are boot tail style baits that are a much different look than the Savage Gear baits for example.
  20. I've watched a lot of his vids, good stuff.
  21. Love the Hard Gills , very popular bait for a reason. I don't have a lot of time on the water but I'm impressed with the Hammertail Bluegill baits and to me they swim better than the previos versions of his soft Bluegill swimbaits.
  22. Don't live down South but I can assure that Bull Shads will also get bit with slower retrieves .
  23. Added a Dobyns 807 to the line-up. Most of my money went to 600 yard spools of Sunline Sniper and larger size owner beast hooks. I did order an Attic Glide bait in the Ayu color which impressed me when I watched the video. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Attic_Lightreal_175_Glide_Bait/descpage-ALR175.html
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