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Jace D

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Jace D last won the day on November 6 2020

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About Jace D

  • Birthday 05/28/1985

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    Madera, CA
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  1. I knew that would go fast. Killer deal!
  2. Dude, that’s pretty crazy. You’ve been catching fish on that thing for as long as I can remember! I don’t think I have any baits that old that I’ve caught any fish on. (Probably because I fish mostly sinking soft baits but… ) It might be able to be repaired but, it’s cool to retire it too. Hope your new one lasts another 15 years and catches just as many fish!
  3. Bump. Make me an offer. Need to sell this thing.
  4. Daiwa Luna 300 used. 6/10 cosmetic 9/10 mechanical. These aren’t made anymore and have become hard to find. These reels are amazing. Extremely smooth and powerful. And they last forever. Made in Japan, very high quality. This reel has been used and shows some boat rash and cosmetic scratches, as can be seen in pics, but functionally it’s near perfect. Its still glass smooth and casts great. It’s been cleaned and lubed and is ready for someone to put it to work. I have too many reels and this one is just sitting around. Price is $160 tyd
  5. Been a little while since I’ve been able to post anything (sorry fellas). Boats been down and we’re waiting to get it repaired but Collin (cd7) and I were asked to go on The Bass Report podcast with Joel Ede and Ryan Cook and we had a blast! Lots of swimbait talk so if you guys are interested go check out The Bass Report, Episode 82 on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. If you enjoy it and you can do it then think about supporting them through their Patreon as well. I’ll put the link below, not sure if that’s allowed or not so Mods feel free to take it down if needed. Tight lines boys! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-bass-report/id1544023855?i=1000552686307
  6. They’re awesome. I still have 2 others. I’ve been using my Calcutta B and my TE more lately but these are as smooth as my TE and way smoother than the B. They’re about as bulletproof as they come. They just don’t wear out.
  7. Hey guys, I’ve got a Daiwa Luna 300 that I need to sell. I’ve got too many reels and this one has been sitting and literally collecting dust. It’s well used but still works flawlessly. It is super smooth and casts great. I cleaned and oiled it before last fall and it’s been sitting in my garage since. Cosmetically it is nothing pretty but, as you can see in the pics, the guts are in great shape. These are getting hard to find and they are worth every penny. This is a fantastic swimbait reel that will literally last a lifetime if cared for. First to claim and pay gets it. If you want it, make sure you have the money ready. It’s nothing personal but I don’t want to hassle with waiting days to get paid. $120 shipped plus 3% paypal fee. OBO
  8. I’ve been fishing tournaments for a long time and have had good success. I’ve found that bass fisherman (not all, and usually not the good ones) are kinda like schoolyard bullies. They’re gonna see if they can scare you or intimidate you into doing what they want. You need to stand up and give it right back to him. He obviously doesn’t think of you as a friend, he thinks of you as his pet and he wants you to obey. Have confidence and put him right back where he belongs. He sounds like a blowhard who wants to make a scene. I also agree with what Brian said above, try to find your own areas and really get them dialed in and then go out there and freakin bury everyone with a giant bag. LOL! Nothing better!
  9. I’m amazed at how many people have trouble catching fish on 8” hudds. I must be in the minority because I’ve caught the vast majority of my swimbait fish on that bait. In fact, softbaits in general have accounted for probably 99% of my swimbait fish. It’s the one type of bait that remains consistent whether it’s tough or great, heavy pressure or no pressure. Used to catch fish pretty good on the 250 but it’s been really hard the last couple years. Really any hard swimbait. Anything that doesn’t look, feel and move extremely naturally like a big softbait has been challenging to get bit on for me.
  10. Jace D

    7-4 Spot C2C

    I used two different apps. I used an app called MovStash for the blur. I used an app called Videoshop for the speed adjustment. It takes a little bit but, once you get it, it’s not hard and can be done pretty quick.
  11. Not necessarily in this color all of the time but some variation of an original 8” Hudd. After literally hundreds of fish on it, there will always be one on the boat (more like 15 of them but you get the idea. LOL!).
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