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Everything posted by Boondock

  1. Anybody throw these for pike and muskies? Would need to fish flouro in the 50lb range for bite leader. Was wondering how they swim with a big leader.
  2. Damn you guys are sensi Looks different enough. Never even heard of it until this post. BBZ is near indubitable to fish with teeth. Sure some fins might fall of but it holds up better than a wood bait. I say bring it, competition is good and gets the market honest.
  3. wow this back fired lol HAHAHAHA Popcorn
  4. Boondock

    a quick sess

    Very nice Cam! Such a fat healthy fish.
  5. Nothing for Alaska? I mean come on Looks cool, may try to enter next year
  6. Good stuff! Looks similar to mine, a cluster with a few good baits
  7. Was it the ldc rods or the new hudd that finished the deal for ya? Or the locking of several threads? Or cruising 35lbs+ of fish in the well just for a cool video? Well done Don! The ego grows some more
  8. Well it's on a 175 rise up... So from my understanding the stock weight is 6 grams. I need a 10 gram in the front and rear and tail weight out.
  9. Worked good Now if that rear weight would come out... Smh
  10. Well done! What's the water temp where you're at?
  11. First pic is awesome with that TT eye and the tuna eye Bad ass! Pull harder than any bass
  12. Sweet! Looks bigger than 17
  13. Hit this one Friday on a Hudd 68. Did a back flip completely out of the water too Vine will have to do.. Shows the fishes size and girth best anyways https://vine.co/v/OZ5Qqdd0WLx
  14. Awesome CHris!! Beasts man and your friends omg so so huge
  15. That's it Sold one of the baby wake Must have one baby and one jr in the arsenal
  16. Even $100 for new perch wake jr $65 for rainbow baby wake
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