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Posts posted by dominator

  1. Hey everyone,

    I just invested in some new electronics for the boat so I am unloading some stuff that's not getting the use they deserve.

    3:16 Baby Wake Bass: $110 TYD. Only thrown a few times. Very minor hook rash.





    3:16 10" Freestyle Sport Slow Sink Green Trout. New in box. Never even took the bands off the hooks. Just want what I have in it. $350 TYD




    9" Hinkle Shad in golden shiner. New in Box. Again just want what I have in it. $250 TYD






    Dicky D



  2. Seems kind of stubby. (And maybe you want it to be that way.) But with the body thickness the same pretty much the whole way it is going to take a lot of effort to get that tail moving. AKA you're going to have to reel it fast unless you make it out of some PRETTTY soft plastic.


    Take a look at an 8" Hud. The body is thick, but right before the tail it gets VERY thin so the body doesn't effect the tail movement. 


    Looks damn good though. And I like the line through / weedless idea.

  3. Hey everyone. I have some baits that are being neglected and I would love to see them go to a loving home. I can provide more pics by request.


    All prices are TYD and include any PayPal fees.


    2 NIB Jackall Gantarel HL Bluegill. $30 each or $55 together.



    8" (I think) Bull Shad : $55

    OG Slow Sink 316 Gill (minor hook rah and a small paint chip on the dorsal fin. Overall 8/10): $100

    Floating 316 FS Herring (some hook rash and a small paint chip near the first joint. Overall 7/10): $100



    3 NIB Jackall Swimming Ninja 150s in CA Trout: $25 Shipped


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