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Everything posted by Acuna

  1. I have two 3:16 Freestyle Herrings for sale: one Blue Back and one Sissy. Both are slow sink and both are used (some hook rash but swim fine). These two baits have plenty of life in them. PM me your email address for pics (the ones I uploaded are too big for this site). If you are interested, PM me your best offer (which will include shipping via USPS with confirmation number). Paypal gift is fine. Thanks.
  2. Really?!?!?!? Maybe you saw some different videos than I did. I guess we are all entitled to our own opinions. I have only seen three BB videos. The 17 pounder that is out there on YouTube and then a couple of other videos of the 250 before he pulled them. It is my understanding he fishes small lakes and I don't have a problem with him taking down the videos after a short time. My comments were based on the fact that I contacted Butch directly about getting a tuned 250. He was prompt and courteous when responding, and got me what I needed in a timely manner. He also threw in a free hat and shirt.
  3. The 250 is definitely a fun bait to fish, but it can also be very, very frustrating to fish. I have had mine for about a month now. So far I have only caught three fish on it (all between 3-4 pounds), but I have had, literally, hundreds of bass follow it. Hundreds. Yesterday was my best day yet in terms of follows- at least 100. And at times I had up to five fish in the 2-5 pound class behind it. No giants yesterday, with the biggest around eight pounds following my bait. Two weeks ago I had a fish in the 10-12 pound class that followed the bait to within two feet of the boat. She was inches off the tail of the bait, but would not commit. I've tried everything to get the fish to react to it. Faster, slower, pauses, pumping it to get a wide glide, and adding scent. They all seem to produce follows, but just aren't quite ready to react to it. I am throwing the bait on 25 pound Big Game. Thinking of downsizing line a bit and/or trying fluorocarbon. Fluorocarbon and giant swimbaits makes me nervous... Any suggestions? And I will agree that the bait IS versatile and if I can unlock the key to getting the reaction with it I should have a VERY powerful tool. The fish are straight up interested in it.
  4. I heard through the grapevine that a release like we saw recently with the wake jr/baby wake/ wake bass (where he lets anybody order baits for a set period of time and then he fills all the orders) will probably not happen again.
  5. I really try to keep it simple with baits. I think about the lake and the time of year and bring three to five baits with me in oversized tupperware (usually the disposable kind). I don't bring the kitchen sink anymore in the BCPC. In the off chance I break off or lose the three to five baits? Then I have just lost about 500 bucks worth of hard to find baits and I don't really think I will want to keep fishing..... LOL.
  6. It is my understanding, that the BB Trout the come stock from Deps are built to Butch's tuned specifications. I could be wrong, but I think that is true. I do know that Butch does modify the weights on his 250s to get them to do what he wants. His Saiko tuned baits also have upgraded eyes, different hooks, and a light epoxy code on the sticker under the soft plastic shell; at least that is what he did to the Saiko tuned bait that I purchased directly from him. Butch is a class act all the way IMHO.
  7. During December, my wife takes it upon herself to intercept and wrap all my lure purchases that get delivered to the house. She thinks it is cute, and is the only way I get excited about Christmas morning. My 250 Slide Swimmer was supposed to go to my office. It somehow got sent to my house and now it is sitting under the tree. Oh well, I guess I will get to throw it Dec. 25th (if I am lucky) or more likely the 26th. Anyone else deal with this sort of thing this type of year?
  8. If you are using braid with a flouro leader, I recommend the albright knot for two reasons: 1. Knot shape- it is a long narrow knot and goes through the guides easier than a uni to uni knot. 2. The braid wraps around the flouro and protects it. The flouro is also not wrapping around itself and potentially cutting itself. I have virtually eliminated knot failure since switching to this knot. It is bit of a pain in the butt compared to other knots, but it definitely works (for me).
  9. Top Ramen is right. On Lake Austin, you gotta work docks into your strategy. Before swimbaits, I would skip swimming jigs under docks and swim them out. Also effective are bluegill baits around docks. I picked up one of those Bettencourt dying bluegill baits that I am going to try on some of our busier docks. I will skip it back and then twitch it like it was stunned and then burn it a few feet and twitch again. I can see a fish reacting to that presentation. I find fish are usually waaaay in the back or on the outside pilings. Bass are like other animals, they like to find an edge between two types of cover.
  10. Mike should just photoshop them out. LA has big everything....,
  11. I think it is personal preference. I prefer low profile reels now that there are some models that are beefed up (e.g., Curado 300). I've been known to throw 6" hard baits on a Citica 200E5, works fine for me.
  12. TTT I'd also consider one in Sissy, but really am going for something more realistic. Also, I am a legit user who recently discovered this site. I am active on other boards under the same user name.... Thanks for your consideration.
  13. The 200 is one of the 2.5, but I can still see 70 in her. She is more than fast enough for me.
  14. The thought if this makes me sick... I saw Alan's video and you handled it much better than I would have.... I have a post up on two forums including this one trying to get a FS Herring. There are exactly zero people willing to part with them. Good luck replacing it! If I find an extra one I will let you know. PS this is the same Acuna from ABF.
  15. Here's my ride: 2004 BassCat Pantera Classic a/k/a "The BCPC". I love this boat and it is a ton of fun to both drive and fish out of....
  16. It depends on my mentality that day (do I want to catch something or cast a bunch in the hopes of catching a truly special fish), but I generally stick with really big baits in the winter and just slow it down until I cannot stand it anymore. Sugar's got to eat sometime... and the forage has had all year to grow. Just barely crank the reel handle if a cold front is moving through. If it is a bright sunny winter day I pick up the pace some. I also focus on spots that have a more pronounced depth change. I was fishing a tournament this past spring and got on a senko bite. We had to let those suckers soak about 5 minutes to get bit. However it worked and I put a seven pounder in the boat so I guess patience can be a virtue.
  17. When throwing smaller baits, I have used the Deep Cranking Line from Suffix with really good success. It is a smooth mono that sinks with the right amount of stretch for my tastes. My home lake has extremely clear water and lots of weeds. I use 6" hard baits (e.g., 6" Bull Shad) on 17-20 lb line with good results. For heavier baits or in the summer when the weeds get really thick I either use 25 pound big game (Suffix doesn't make 25 lb deep cranking line) or braid (50-65 lb.).
  18. WTB 3:16 FS Herring SS in either Blue Back or Green Back. If you have one you will part with PM me some pics and your offer.
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