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Everything posted by nadinesmom

  1. amazon has em for $232 with free shipping. I ordered one that they had which had "damaged packaging" for $200. Worth keeping an eye on if you're in the market.
  2. Just bought another 908 for my striper fishing adventures, would like to recoup some of the money from that purchase. I don't bass fish much anymore so these can go. Please message me a fair offer per bait if you're interested.
  3. one of the most stand up dudes on here. hope things improve for you. i follow you on IG and your little one is super cute, it'll all be worth it in the end. the unfortunate truth is that the family court system is biased against men so be sure to keep it clean and keep your eyes on the prize. good luck with the sale.
  4. I bet it has 5,000 times the number of 10 pounders. thousands of tens on the hudd.
  5. i didn't say sports. i said freestyles.
  6. his baits are cool but let's count the # of 10+ on the freestyle... yeah... let's be real, there hasn't been a whole lot of big bass caught on that style bait made by mickey or anyone else.
  7. nobody?????? Also interested in triple trouts for the salt or glides tuned for the salt.
  8. welcome to SU. we are still better than the JS facebook crowd. There is not strength in numbers.
  9. as title states, looking for megabass halibut 90 or lucky craft flash pointers/minnows. I have deps, ragos, 316's hinkles, hudds, triple trouts, etc. trade. Sell me what you don't use. Also interested in other ocean jerkbaits minus daiwa salt pros.
  10. bump. you cheap asses out there looking for a reel may want to hit up chooma on this, he's solid and this reel is perfect!
  11. yes. huge stripers in your neck of the woods. tons of 20-30 pounders and quite a few 40s and an occassional 50 out of that chain of lakes. you are in the best part of the US for fishing IMO.
  12. Got some headed my way. Thanks bigfish85!
  13. stipers are mean - please help me replace some eyes on one of my 250s. I need 2 of them but am open to buying more. or if anyone can point me in the direction to some good replacements that works too!
  14. never had any issues with the weedless 68, it is a smaller bait which minimizes the issue. when they clamp down on it they're gonna expose the hook, you just gotta give it the pop it needs to embed itself into the fish. i actually prefer the weedless 68 to the regular since you can drop it in around areas where fish position to feed (log jams, rocks, etc.).
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