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Everything posted by Skaugger

  1. Only its fatter profile, louder, and has bigger eyes... Smallmouth killer
  2. That's a nice color, was hoping to see a dark trout up but I'll take what I can get at this point...will get chewed either way
  3. Just got mine thru the bassaholics site, thought I'd give others a heads up on this sick little bait
  4. I'll have to see for myself when I get mine at the end of this month....
  5. Is there a magnet in the tail as well?
  6. Dang, I really wanted to get one of these guys
  7. X2... the new injected ones should be considerably less money as well
  8. Sign me up for one plz
  9. Think he means 316 gill but I agree it would help if the op was more specific as to what he's looking for
  10. I've been using 20lb big game for a while...it's cheap, less memory then xxx, and is more forgiving on a backlash then braided line.
  11. "Why would you spend that much on a lure?" "Do those work good or what?" "Yeah...I have some of those at home"
  12. eBay has a pretty good buyer protection, I recently got in a dispute over a defective product and eBay refunded my money when the seller refused to do so...
  13. Would you consider a baby wake in bass? Or strictly jr? Nice stuff either way good luck with sale
  14. Not that a kayak is a whole lot safer should you piss off a lizard, but there's something to be said for not dangling bait in the water... Lol efff that ! Glad we don't have those beasts here
  15. Skaugger


    Wait so you're saying it's better to chew fiberglass with other well known Heath risks then to vape on some 100% food grade vg ?? I'll take my chances with vaping lol Do you honestly beleave they put fiberglass into chewing tobacco? Whatever it is, it just attributed to the death of another one of my favorite baseball players growing up... Last paragraph, last sentence sums it up.
  16. Same here, stuff works wonders...
  17. Or for even faster results I use a dremmel with small sanding bit attachment. I count the number of seconds on both sides to help make sure they are even.
  18. Skaugger


    Wait so you're saying it's better to chew fiberglass with other well known Heath risks then to vape on some 100% food grade vg ?? I'll take my chances with vaping lol
  19. Almost all of my glidebait fish (mostly on the negotiator and gan craft) have struck when fishing it super slow like a Hudd, or after a sudden twitch and long pause...messing with your cadence a little more should make all the difference
  20. Love me some rat-a-tat-action Only managed some dinks so far though... Thanks for the opportunity to try something new. Sorry for the weird edits, must of been a phase I went thru ::edit:: Post count: insufficient
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