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bass ketchum

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Everything posted by bass ketchum

  1. Hinkle trout has sold. Magg carp has sold Lowering prices on all baits Taking offers also Text me thanks
  2. Gantarel blue gill sold Sorry if i haven't replied to anyone. I have replied when i was able to. If i missed you. I apologize. I am home now and can answer any questions.
  3. I am selling cause i need a lawyer for my little brother facing a very serious charge . I really have no choice . Text me at 323 88four 83 0four Hinkle trout Hinkle shad Mother trap Mother custom Negotiator alumi Tripple trout stubby Pizz custom gill2 Baitsmith magg carp color Hudd Real prey Rt blue gill gantarel Golden shiner gantarel Blue gill gantarel
  4. I have a hinkle shad available for trade. I want the mother trap. Maybe we can work something out.
  5. Please let me know what you think? Sent a private message. Not sure if you got it.
  6. I'll take the nights talker now. 323 346 5057. I can't private message
  7. I have something you might wanna trade for. 323 346 5057
  8. how may I see this? it says private. I cant see it/
  9. hey bro whats up I put on my end of the deal and been calling you and texting you and you haven't replied what's going on? You agreed with what I had to offer and I'm just looking to see if we're going through with it?
  10. I have an offer for a trade. Can you message me? I can't send private messages. Or email me m6teenbam@gmail.com
  11. hey bro whats up. I was hoping to talk to you about that glideator. can you message me. seems I cant send private messages. or email me at m6teenbam@gmail.com
  12. would you trade for the xl nezuma? I got some good stuff.
  13. I want it where are you located. How do I get it?
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