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  1. Sorry I haven't responded to some of y'all's responses been very busy these past few months. Thanks for all the feed back that was posted on my topic. So I ended up going with a shimano Cardiff 300 and an okuma guide select. Once again I appreciate everyone's help.
  2. So because I'm on a budget I'm going with the millionaire. Until I can put some cash down on a shimano @honestabe101
  3. Appreciate the help guys. I actually bought an osprey but did really work out. The line through just wasn't for me. The hook ripped the crap out of the belly so I stopped trying with it. What do y'all recommend for something slow sinking or floating. That won't get caught up in rocks and bust my line. I use 25# braid so it runs a lot and frays on the rocks
  4. Yea multiple people have recommended the Lexa. I might look into both for a fast retrieve and slow retrieve
  5. @riffmiester and @topramen I like the low profile but for bigger baits I might consider using bigger reel if I feel comfortable with it. I guess it just comes down to what I feel comfortable with. Thanks for y'all's response. Really do appreciate all the help and tips people get on this forum. I find it more helpful here than going into a tackle shop where the people try to force someone into something they aren't really looking for.
  6. @top ramen Need more information to give you a meaningful answer to this question. Soft baits or hard baits? Where do you fish? What kind of forage is there (what species of fish are the bass eating)? Is there a weight range for the you can throw baits? So I fish a location in norcal a local man made pond and reclamation ponds and Creeks. A few lakes that have overgrow and rock bottoms. The pond I fish near my house has banks with jagged rocks which tend to snag a lot of plastic lures and lines which happens. Not very much foliage just typical bottom algae. The fish that are in the pond are carp, blue gill, black bass and large mouthbass on occasion a few catfish. I have pulled out a couple of 7 to 9 lb large mouth. I'm looking at purchasing a LDC XH so not sure what the rating is OZ wise on the lures you can use.
  7. So for swimbait what type of reel do y'all prefer? For Example a low profile reels or a daiwa luna which looks bulkier than a low profile?
  8. So I posted less than a week ago about getting into the swimbait game. What brand of swimbait are the best out there at a reasonable price? The reason I ask is because I have seen some online go for upto $400. Now is that because thy are custom made or is just the brand. I can understand if it was custom made because of time an effort put in!
  9. @jomama Thanks a lot I was actually thinking about getting the LDC xh it seems like a lot of people I have talked to about it always push me towards LDC so I may just go with that. Appreciate your response.
  10. @Bassingfishing24/7, @Speedbead, @TheGoodCat, @combatwombat Thanks for the reply. I appreciate y'all's help on which rod and reel would work well for me. I will take all the info into consideration and research then all to see which I would like best. Once again thank you.
  11. So this is for everyone on the forum. I've been a fishing for a long time both saltwater and freshwater. Recently I've been following some people on Instagram that are big swimbait fishers. I have never used swimbait just plastic lures. So what are some rods and reels that are good for swimbaits and ones that won't break the bank but still have good quality? Also what are some of y'all's favorite swimbaits and which one have y'all had success with?
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