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Everything posted by HookdUp

  1. Before anyone makes fun I have caught several bass up to 9lbs and snook to 20lbs on both lures during their time in south Florida growing up... BUT WERE THESE SWIMBAITS TK YOU GUYS ? Does anyone still use either of the baits ?
  2. I realize I'm knew and late but I'd love to try this bait in a bluegill color way if at all possible to fish south Florida to virginia ... Pls consider me Pat!!!
  3. I use 17lb for swimbait to 3.5 ounces and 20lb Cxx or 65lb braid with a 25lb Fluro leader
  4. Not sure if it would be considered a swimbait or not but what I'm asking is if anyone has any experience with them... They seem to be worth buying at 40.00 for a setup similar to that of the old banjo minno... Which I think to be the first swimbait I used or true motion lure tbh lmao
  5. Why don't you just sell it bro ?
  6. Will someone pls just go out and catch a bigger fish so this can be over with
  7. I fish swimbaits in va... I started small with the soft bodie ones then moved up to osprey tournament talons and hudds then bbzs and g2s then the bigger stuff once I had the rod to accommodate it like real gillz and slammers and rats and such .... All in all if I had only two baits to take while in va it would be a hudd and a shell cracker ... Biiiig bass will eat those shell crackers man.. Especially right now til the end of summer .. I just look for beds with fish on em or not then look for ambush points and start casting ... Maybe come down on like diameter or use Fluro ... But I've been usin straight braid and only now am I going too no and the adding of Fluro leaders to my braid...
  8. One of my fav swimbaits Idc it catches fish especially in summer
  9. Just purchased the heavy one... Going to see how it goes paired to my revo winch and if it's good I'll get the xh on nacl for when in ready to throw big baits
  10. What's considered going light... like for these baits (real gillz, ms slammer and mini slammer, 8in hudd.. Nez rat.. ... ? 15lb? 17lb? 20lb?
  11. Nice fish I'm looking to get one of these in the near future
  12. The high speed reels lack the torque to pull these big lures that sometimes have way more resistance than a crank bait ... Also the slower speed assures YOU NOT to retrieve the bait too fast .. I never have trouble catching up to fish on swimbaits .. All that have eaten mine have been going away or hit on a directional change or stop..
  13. When throwing the G2 I run 20 or 25-lb mono. I use braid sparingly with my swimbaits (mainly on things like Punkers or long-lined Hudds) and then I go with no less than 65# braid with a short (< 2 ft) heavy mono leader. When u say suffix do you braid or mono
  14. When you say suffix do you mean braid or mono?
  15. So if I'm to understand correctly none of the swims it fisherman on this forum are using braid and all using 20-25 lb mono? I'm using a middle sized real and line capacity is a big deal to me when making casts and keeping my gear ratio the same when I make the casts
  16. Any reason why it's all bad ??? I mean I use it for tortugas mutton and groupers to 50lbs.. I do have a heavier set up for bigger groupers but I figured if it worked there then it would be ok here
  17. I've often wondered if there's any point to throwing these baits in the got of the day ... I have most of my free time to fish during that time that's why I ask .. Anyone catching fish between 10-2pm .. And if so in what ? Hudds on bottom or waking or smaller baits or what
  18. Slow down and hold on ... Lol it's going to be a fun ride
  19. Reel and baits .. Have lost both .. Have replaced but lost both of them before
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