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Everything posted by BigSlant

  1. I was in CL at the demo..Sho rode on the boat with Dabbs and I.. bait is incredible.. the versatility and action is second to none.. it'll blow up.. it's a big bait so as long as guys don't chicken out it'll be badass.. Kenji has a gill bait that is insane as well.
  2. Not sure Clayton made any multi joints in the "replica" gill profile for retail.. just the older smaller 6" gill
  3. Looking for OG Rago Generic trouts.. possibly wood ones for my friends in Japan.. used is ok..DM what you got and what it'll take to acquire. Thank you
  4. A UFO and when you grab a few rats and ask Scott for some tails to go with your new 8" unpainted TT's.. this is what you get!
  5. Damn autocorrect..IG is corrected
  6. I just realized I never posted this! Grateful to all of you from SU who participated. We sold 30 shirts and had a few anonymous donors round it up to $1k USD donation. Maruhata was extremely grateful and has also opened an outlet for bait sales to the U.S. @marute_maruhata on IG
  7. I'm not an expert on this sorry
  8. Not officially but the ones that have been sold of the Wildbeat model were $120 The jdm auctions have been selling at $200+ These are for the ABS model only the wood models will not be for sale
  9. WILD LURES Hey SU Had a chance today to hit Clear Lake for awhile with a good friend and SU member Chris Dabbs and the Wild Lures Crew and get on a few fish and throw the new Wildbeat We had a chance to check out briefcase full of JDM goodness. The Wildbeat is insane! I'm sure a lot of people think it looks unnatural and how could it swim or catch etc. I agree that at first glance it's a hard bait to believe in. Unless you're a JDM aficionado like me. This bait has incredible presence! It has crazy stability and the action is unlike anything else. Chris was lucky enough to score a Wildbeat to take to Brazil tomorrow to hammer peacock bass! Watch for those videos soon! We had Sho on our boat.. if you follow IG he's @swim_baiter . The glide bite was tough today and we wanted to make sure Sho caught some fish. So the crankbait bite was on and he boated around 8-10 good CL fish with the biggest just around 5# He was stoked! The crew of 3 Wildlures guys will be in CL again tomorrow and Sac then Redding then heading back to Japan by Sunday. Watch for any announcements on IG If you are wondering!? The Wildbeat is in the process of becoming available in the U.S. Check some of the swim videos attached! 20181003_131516_1.mp4 20181003_131318_1.mp4 20181003_130213_1.mp4 20181003_130014_1.mp4 20181003_125910_1.mp4 20181003_125836_1.mp4 20181003_124825_1.mp4 20181003_115434_1.mp4 20181003_083243.mp4
  10. Have a Toxic that doesn't get much use.. it's a wake/shallow crank.. used a few times but not much rash or points Not really for sale so lmk what you have for trades.. no soft baits.. no s wavers or such
  11. We have a small white.. gray large.. white 2x left for anyone interested.. thanks SU
  12. Robinson and AVK for $67 tyd f&f or add fees
  13. When all are shipped there may be 1 in each size left ;)
  14. Hoodies are in! Will be shipping by this weekend!
  15. It's a $100 bait for a $70 bait hyped to $300.. big difference
  16. Not yet! About 2 mow weeks! I'll send everyone tracking as soon as they arrive and are packaged. And a shot of the payment sent to Japan!
  17. The slyguy isn't "older" .. It's the 5.9" replica.. just the smaller version.. the older one has a diff tail and quite different look
  18. BigSlant

    Some Feesh

    Been slacking on posting things.. few recent..
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