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    Western N.C.


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  1. I didn't know if he changed anything or not thanks
  2. Which would be better? Does the original one have any better action or features?
  3. I will start giving it a go this next weekend to see if I can put anything together, I have local made rat that is almost as big and I've caught fish on it during the fall months. But I've never really threw top water in the cold months
  4. I've had 3 6" triple trout, 2 of them swam at a angle back to the boat. I love my 8" triple trout, it has caught a lot of fish. But I can never figure out how to get my 6" to swim straight up and down. I finally gave up
  5. I might have to drag it out a few nights this week, does using a headlamp to see your bait scare fish away? I know it's a dumb question but I always figured it would.
  6. Oh I thats great, I didn't know it would be productive in cold water. I figured they wouldn't make the trip up to the surface for anything as cold as the water is now.
  7. What's the minimal water temp for you to fish the slammer? When does it truly become effective?
  8. Maybe I should buy a 7" slammer first lol, I figured a 3lber would be all over a 9" slammer, maybe I was wrong
  9. That's awesome, unfortunately our water temps are in the mid 40s still
  10. Hey first time poster on here i bought a 9" slammer last March and have never really got into fishing it much, I tried but just lack the confidence. What are your guys confidence areas throwing the bait? Is it over points, cover or around docks? And what's your favorite conditions and times of year to throw it. I really wanna stick a pig on this bait this year, I'm determined to only take this bait to the lake a couple times to make myself fish it.
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