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Everything posted by natalex85

  1. Congratulations! Matt and Tim put out some great info. It amazes me their channel only has 45K subs. It is growing though. Put a comment on the youtube vid or DM tactical on Igram. He'll appreciate it.
  2. I bought TT and had been very happy with them. I knocked my orange pair into the lake a few weeks ago. I have never used any cheap ones. I don't like for stuff to break so I generally try to buy decent quality whatever I'm buying. That said I also hate over paying. That is why I started the thread. I wanted to see what everyone else was doing and making sure the TT was worth the $. I thought it was but the confirmation was reassuring. Since the thread began I ordered new pairs of TT orange handle and green handle. I found the orange ones to have a hard time with the bigger rings on my medium and larger swimbaits.
  3. I'm confused. What winch are you guys referring to? The gen 3 winch and orra winch are on sale at TW right now. I have an older winch. (Agreed great reel) What is the difference?
  4. Congratulations on retrieving that thing. mega win.
  5. 1) What rope/ line do you use on your lure retriever? 2) a. What rod do you prefer for weedless 68's and top hook 68's? b. Is this the same rod you use for your 8 inch hudds? Actually 3 topics. What do you guys use to add some highlights to your Hudds? Especially black and green.
  6. Send it on down to Louisiana and I'll keep it warm for you until your weather improves. Ha! Thanks for the info. I have lots of concept reels for my regular stuff and they are great. I've had them for a few years now. I expect the A3 will be solid but I really value the real world test from others.
  7. Watch out for the hooks.
  8. I hope some folks put their reviews of the revo beast and toro beast, concept 13 A3, shimano tranx, Lew's super duty etc in this thread.
  9. Gonna see a lot of baits for sale soon I expect.
  10. LOL! I don't follow the swimbait drama much but even I know that one.
  11. I guess it is likely his lures will become much more available. Doesn't make much sense to have a store if you aren't going to keep it stocked with merchandise. Based on the scant available info he put on igram I expect he will carry lots of swimbaits from other makers as well as other gear. Rods, terminal, flat brim baseball caps, lots of black clothing etc.
  12. I am going to bump this thread to hear what everyone is thinking in 2017. This thread shows the evolution of thought. I believe it is due an update. Great thread!
  13. Ok cool. I had a pair of orange TT pliers until I knocked em in the lake the other day. I was about to order an orange and a green but wanted to poll the SBU 1st. Thank you everyone.
  14. Does this reel have the drag and horses to winch in DDs?
  15. http://swimbaitunderground.com/forums/index.php?/topic/39441-wts-dobyns-rodcardiff/
  16. Thanks. That would be sweet but I am not a vet. Plus I bought them all new yesterday. Ran out of patience. LOL!
  17. I've been using braid to mono leader. Matt Allen convinced me when I fished with him. Obviously it is critical to retie. A full day of fishing requires a new leader at least once. Matt ties a blood knot. We caught a lot of beast and it held up very well. The stretch of the mono was forgiving with trebled baits in particular. He had braid to a mono leader on his jig rods, spinning rods etc also though. I like braid so it fits me well. The leader knot is a bit annoying so I will try to get in some practice with the other knot suggested and see how I like it. When I was a kid and fishing tournaments all the time I used strictly big game for every application. Big swim baits weren't a thing I knew about then (early to mid 90's) but I flipped and chunked big deep diving cranks with it all the time.
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