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  1. SU Please close this post dockrat and wakewalker long gone. Thanks!
  2. Has anyone else received a Conquest MD300 and noticed it making a ticking noise through about 2 of every 3 turns? It sounds like it's coming from something in the non-handle/centrifugal braking side. The only odd thing is that it doesn't make the noise if it's upsids down, which makes me think there's something loose in the reel or having to do with the cog/spool support assembly in the non-handle side of the reel. Brakes engaged/disenaged, tension cap maxed down/off, doesn't matter, so it doesn't appear to be caused by the spool itself or have anything to do with the brakes. Normally I don't mind taking apart reels, but it seems a bit silly to take apart a $600 reel when it's brand new...any thoughts are appreciated before I return it.
  3. Ghosts are posted as well (moon bite and pro blue)
  4. Solid price on the dockrat. They don't get hyped but they catch fish. Free bump.
  5. Do we view the situation more favorably if he is sipping drinks without said umbrellas?
  6. Bump - can do local drop-offs, 1/2-way meet-ups in NC/SC/VA
  7. wakewalker sold, bucca still available. Will trade for a chad, doomrider or hawghunters.
  8. will sell or trade for a few hawghunter minnows or a mag/minnow combo TB (new in box) - $180 shipped Bucca 8 in glide (test swam) - $210 (paid $220?) - TK paint Thanks!
  9. Here's a blurb from Danny Delamatur's interview with Tomoyo of DRT re: hooks - What hooks do you recommend for the Tiny Klash and Klash 9? “For the TK, I have a specific hook for it for a reason. The Owner ST-35’s. If you use any other treble hooks they have the tendency to tangle around the body of the bait. The ST-35’s havre a flat side and a shorter hook shank so they don’t get fouled up on the bait. For the K9, I recommend Sharx either size 1 or 1/0. Downsizing the hooks will give you benefits and allows for the bait to swim better. The size 1 hooks will allow it to have better action compared to the 1/0. The bait will be more responsive and quicker.” It's a cool article, here: https://bl8nkt.com/drt-trip
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