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NoahFertick last won the day on July 30 2018

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About NoahFertick

  • Birthday 02/05/2002

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    Vancouver, WA
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  1. I've been a huge wakebait and crankdown fan for long time, and that's more recently pushed me towards exploring the rat game. I've been tossing them around for a bit now, but definitely don't have as much experience with them as I do regular wakes and cranks. Unfortunately I'm stuck at home for a bit with covid, but that does give me time that I haven't had to get back in the garage and build some rats to the style I like. Working on them has me thinking, what is everyone's thoughts on what makes a good rat? There's a lot of people here with much more rat experience here than me, and who fish water in areas outside of my home in the PNW. I have my preferences, but as a builder I'd love to hear what other people's experiences are! I lean pretty heavily on waking single joint rats, and tend to get the bigger bites on ones that will swim at REALLY slow speeds. Having a rat that floats very low seems to be pretty key for me as well, and I'll often add some lead tape to the belly to make sure I get that super super low float on them. Looking forward to hearing everyone's input!
  2. Is the belly on the green goblin rat chartreuse or white?
  3. Looking to pick up an Illude 2 piece Zombie Rat, but may be open to other jointed Illude rats as well so let me know what you got! Color isn't too important, though I would prefer a natural color if available. If I can get one it definitely won't sit on a shelf, I'll make sure it gets some mojo!
  4. Golden shiner WnC for trade, this thing has some mojo but it doesn't effect how it swims or gets bit at all (can send more pics if interested). I'm mainly looking for glides, I'd really like to get my first Deps 250 and I'm willing to add cash on top if necessary. That's the main thing I'm looking for, but I might trade for a nice wake as well.
  5. Looking to move this I-Slide, I'll sell or trade it. I'm open to offers but I'd love to trade it for an 8" trout hudd or even a couple of Vision 110's. It's in good condition, there's a couple of tiny dings and the tail is slightly bent (not enough to change the action). $40 shipped if you wanna buy
  6. Larger size (7ish inches) Dirty Shad in pretty much perfect condition, besides a few small nicks on the fins. Need gone asap. $65 tyd, but I may be willing to trade mainly for glides, but I'm open to other offers as well.
  7. Dirty Shad in pretty much perfect condition, there's a couple tiny marks on the fins but that's it. I'm looking to trade hopefully for a Shortcake or Donut, but I'll consider other glides too. Color doesn't matter too much, pm me whatcha got
  8. So far I've only made baits out of wood, but now I'd like to get into making resin baits. So I was wondering, what material do you guys use to make your masters? Is there anything better than wood to make them out of?
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