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Everything posted by SVT THUNDER

  1. Bought this and never got around to painting it. Brand new and unopened Lanciotti Psycho Gill white/blank. Comes with eyes, split rings, hooks, tail and tail pins. Paid $160 from MGC. Asking $120 shipped. PayPal only. If you feel the need to pay G&S, add 4%. Thanks.
  2. Thanks again @Jinxd12for letting us do this. You make a fantastic and extremely versatile bait.
  3. I appreciate it, but I sold my extras already.
  4. I keep it simple and haven’t ever had any issues chunking glides of any weight aside from once when I tried to stop a 9oz glide in the middle of my launch and the treble snagged my rod, spun a 360 and cut my line. Direct tie. P-Line CXX from 15# - 25# depending on the weight of the glide and I tie a Palomar keeping plenty of spit on it throughout the tie while making sure the lines stay parallel through it all. That’s what has always worked for me.
  5. Appreciate the trade offers but I’m just looking to sell. If you’re interested in the bait, shoot me cash offers. I’m not firm on the price.
  6. Have more wakes than I’ll ever need. This has been hanging on the rack without getting used so I thought I’d let someone else grab it who may put it to work. Back and sides have sapphire blue ghost flakes that hit at certain angles. Belly shifts from purple to green. Tail glows blue with direct sunlight and really gets bright with a flashlight. Asking $120 OBO. PayPal. If you feel the need to pay G&S, please add 4% for fees.
  7. In stock on 3:16’s website if you want to go that route
  8. It’s been known to happen. It’s been awhile since I’ve heard anyone complain about it…but it was usually the Hinkle Shads.
  9. I tie direct to all glides. Including my old Hinkle Trout. Just what works for me personally after many years of chunking them. Tight Lines
  10. Look at the reel from the front so you can see the worm gear. Turn the handle and see if the line guide (lower part below worm g) is pausing on either side when it gets to the end. Also check and make sure it’s traveling all the way to the end of the worm gear in both directions. A small difference can cause issues. It could have come with a bad pawl or a burr in the track of the worm gear that might otherwise go unnoticed. If it’s used, it may just need the pawl/worm gear replaced. If all of that checks out, my last guess is the T Wing isn't pointed dead center. I doubt it would be noticeable to the naked eye though. That’s all I’ve got man. Best of luck.
  11. I haven’t had this issue with any reels since I was younger once I started spooling up with my reels on my rods, line knot tied in the center of the spool and spooling up with a portable spool tensioner about 3-4’ from the rod tip. I just run my line from the guide to the reel, tie the knot and back up until it’s taught and point at the spool/tensioner and reel until it’s full. On older reels, I’ve had to replace the pawl or worm gear after one or both were wearing out as it will cause this also. But with a new reel, that shouldn’t be an issue.
  12. If you stick with chunking swimbaits and all baits that fall under that category, you’ll get use to it I assure you.
  13. Usually 1-3 months on pre orders. Occasionally less and sometimes more. I’ve learned to expect this on any pre order from bait makers and just forget about it until I get a surprise in the mailbox or a shipping notification in my email.
  14. Unfortunately for me, I saw the bass twice. Once when she came up and took the bait and a few seconds later when I had cranked on her and lost ground, realized the issue and she came up and shook the bait. Still kicking myself. I always always check the drag. But I was more focused on what this lure would do in the water rather than thinking apparently.
  15. I appreciate the gesture, but I’m really not. I’m the moron who lost a 6lb + on the traveling Gill Glide because I didn’t check my drag before making a cast lol.
  16. I’ve been reading this thread for a couple of days and simply observing. Here’s where I’m at. If SU makes a rule, changes a rule or whatever…it’s their decision and we can follow it or leave. It’s that simple. I haven’t been as active this year simply because life happens and my family is more important than swimbaits or fishing. That said, here’s my take on SU in general. We were all new at some point. I didn’t come here to buy or sell baits. I wanted to connect with a community of other guys who sling big baits. No matter how long you’ve been chunking them, there’s always room to learn new things. A lot of the custom baits I own now weren’t even on my radar until I joined this community. I’m no expert and will never claim to be. But over time, I’ve been able to help some members out on here with everything from knots and retrieves to tuning baits. But I’ve received four times that amount of help from others on here. And over time, I started making friends that I would have never known without taking part in discussions SU. A lot of us talk, text and communicate outside of SU. And it’s not always about baits. Just life in general. That’s what friends do. And yes, when I discovered the BM, I started buying baits and trading baits as needed. I’ve sold plenty as well. But I’ve also bought and sold from those same friends outside of SU. We’ve always payed F&F both ways and that’s just how it will always be for those guys. And there are some truly amazing members on here who have hooked me up in ways you’ll never see happen on the BM. So the biggest thing about SU for me is the camaraderie. The friends I have made and what I’ve learned in my time here. You all know who you are. That about sums up all I have to say on this matter. Tight Lines
  17. You’ll get more interest if you post a pic of your actual bait. I’m assuming you mean you have a glide in the abalone glow pattern that’s in the pics of the wake from his website?
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