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Everything posted by Ryan_Domingos

  1. Get bit outdoors had them on a 3 month pre order
  2. “Can’t get blanks for $350” lol you just said you didn’t even know the bait was worth a lot until the other day. I just bought 2 brand new blanks (a trout and a shad) for under $250 a pop. Probably a good time to just leave SU…
  3. Skunk sold wake walkers 120 Andromeda 215 immortal 475 s4 275 phoney 110
  4. Bump. Fire tiger Hoggs sold chorizo 110 Crappie hoggs 70 juke 70 shoot me some offers
  5. Moderators take this down if it’s not allowed. Have an extra f2 winch I’d like to sell or preferably trade for PT or PGs, or other high end stuff. The winch has all new internals
  6. Too late to sell as a lot lol. Fire tiger Wade Hoggs sold
  7. Typo obviously that’s an S4 lol…
  8. All prices are TYD PayPal F&F, will take offers as well for trades most of these baits are new or could pass as new OG Pizz S3 shallow- $300 Bassjak Immortal- $500 TB wake walkers- $130 a pop Skunk dub- $300 Andromeda $230 Phoney Heavyweight $125
  9. Will sell separate, would like to sell as a lot OG DD whippersnapper- clickbait painted color change crappie $120 Chorizo- Hologrophic paint by TK $120 Slender whippersnapper $90 Wade Hoggs $75 a pop Juke $75 All prices are TYD F&F and are OBO. Will make a deal for the hole lot
  10. The reality should be if you’re gonna invest in FFS do it right, buy the 34, run it to a lithium with a sea clear harness, put a rite hite turret on it, and throw a touch screen 12 on the bow. If you are afraid of breaking the bank FFS prob isn’t for you lol. Do it right the first time, because eventually you will end up having it all!
  11. Someone’s garage bait of some sort!
  12. Looking to trade some of these baits for Megabass, LDC, F5 etc heavy-xxh rods and a conquest 200 dc with or without varial handle. Will also look at Metaniums, Antares, and other high end reels have plenty of other baits to trade other than these
  13. Looking to get rid of some baits willing to sell or trade for other hinkle, pizz, Eden 8, OG 250s, sly, etc. just looking for high end baits! rad 10, skunk dub, PG, immortal, fat pats, og s4 shallow, baby carp wake
  14. 3 years in the making! Finally have a few baits that I can replicate. Both baits are designed off the same blank, with a few differences! Rad shad, and chop shad! RAD shad because it’s my initials! Chop shad is scaled rad shad is plain. Time to get to molding IMG_4237.mov IMG_4239.mov IMG_4237.mov
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