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Everything posted by FLsharkman

  1. Anyone have any luck with the optimum weedless 8 inch?
  2. Anyone know any good 8 inch beast hook baits? I bought a few Scottsboros and they all fell apart before I even got a bite so now I have a few 12/0 beast hooks and nothing to use it on. Any recommendations? No wcz. I don't have the money
  3. Great baits and an even better guy making them
  4. I'm looking for a softbait rod blank somewhere between 7'10" and 8'. Mostly throwing Citizens and other beast hook baits. $150 or less.
  5. I am in contact with the owner and we are working everything out now.
  6. Anyone know what this is? I caught it in a pond by my house. Has rotating hook hangers and seems to be resin or wood. No markings of any kind that show where it came from. If anyone can tell me the exact place they lost it then they can have it back for free.
  7. How would I go about removing the harness?
  8. I'll definitely look into the magdraft
  9. What size hook would you put on that?
  10. I've got a pond by that's full of huge snook and bass but the only problem is that it's completely overgrown with lily pads. I'm looking for a weedless swimbait around 7-8 inches that I can work up top and fish on really heavy leader without losing action. Any suggestions?
  11. I've been looking into smooth on foam it 5 and I saw that it expands 10 times its original volume. I'm just worried that it might not hold in twist wore hardware very well. Has anyone tried this or anything similar?
  12. Try double split rings so the trebles hang lower and have a better shot at catching if it gets slapped at.
  13. Bro you have to post a swimming video
  14. Also willing to copy a big hammer and do an open pour if that would work better.
  15. My snook spot has a 16 foot gator living in it so going in to get the lures is absolutely out of the question.
  16. I found a ton of free tube silicone that I think I can use to make swimbaits. I was looking into making copies of the savage gear line thru mullets because I cant afford to replace them every time I get bit off by a blacktip. I was thinking that I could just buy one and make a mold out of joint compound. I just want to know if there is a way to get two different colors in the bait without an injector and if this will work at all.
  17. I wan to hear everyone's stories of giants that came from places that shouldn't hold giants.
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