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Everything posted by Fishingthesoutheast

  1. ttt also looking for a cardiff 400 righty would trade one of these for one
  2. @22RangerZ520R You are ON THEM amazing job brotha congrats!
  3. Hey I have a 12.5in hoog trout for sale or trade its the one on the top looking to fund a hinkle trout or potentially could add cash or other baits if someone has a hinkle. Pm offers thanks.
  4. Mostly looking for a cardiff 400 preferably right handed but would take either I have trades of equal value
  5. I appreictiate the offer but I'm looking for a 400 because I'm throwing really heavy lures
  6. Sorry guys I didn't see these I don't know why I'm not getting notis.
  7. Yesterday I was out fishing a big trout glide form the bank here in florida and on one cast I had four followers probably about 2-3 labs and one that I thought was about 6 or 7. None bit on that cast but all stuck around right in front of me so I kept casting at the big one in hopes to catch it over the small ones. one of the small ones was fired up and got hooked I let him swim off with the bait so as not to spook the big one. Eventually I switched to the 250 after working the big and dumping it once she got really fired up by the spped of the 250 I caught her and she went 7 on the scale didn't have my phone on me so I asked a couple that was watching me if they minded taking a picture and emailing it too me. not the greatest picture looks smaller than it was but here she is.
  8. Hey I'm looking for some really big trout glides P'm if you're willing to trade I've got some other glides I'm trying to get rid of.
  9. WOW this collection is insane reall nice stuff.
  10. So what I meant is like for example with a hinkle type glide do you just slow roll it or do you glide it with your reel like i.e glide.... glide.... glide... glide glide etc
  11. Hey guys just wondering what kind of retrieves you've had the best success on with glides like for example I've seen Mike Gilbert likes to slow roll his hinkles while someone like Geoff of crazybassfisher likes to impart a lot of action so I'm just curious as to you guys thoughts and successes.
  12. Hey I have a lot of conventional gear I'd like to move Rod and Reel Tons of soft plastics Quite a few hard baits. PM if you're interested.
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