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Hardgill Problem


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In the past, the slow sink hardgill I had would swim as slow as I wanted it to with great action.

The gill I currently have, swims like expected at a moderate retrieve. However, at a slow retrieve, it becomes "dead" and just glides off to its right with no swim.

Is there anything that I can do to create a swim at a slower speed?


Before you ask, I already asked Matt, but didn't get very far.....

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I answered your pm but you did not answer my question. What sink rate is it? If it is a slow sink then something is not right. If it is a fast or even a medium sink then it needs to retrieved faster for the bait to get going. Think of lipless multi jointed swimbaits like flags in the wind. If the flag is made of light material like nylon then it will take very little breeze to move the flag. If the flag was made out of a beach towel it would take a strong wind to get that heavy flag going. A lipless swimbait is similar. A floater or slow sink will swim well at a very slow speed just like the light flag. A medium or fast sinking bait requires a faster retrieve to get it swimming, just like a heavy flag. The smaller the bait, the more this is evident.

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I answered your pm but you did not answer my question. What sink rate is it? If it is a slow sink then something is not right. If it is a fast or even a medium sink then it needs to retrieved faster for the bait to get going. Think of lipless multi jointed swimbaits like flags in the wind. If the flag is made of light material like nylon then it will take very little breeze to move the flag. If the flag was made out of a beach towel it would take a strong wind to get that heavy flag going. A lipless swimbait is similar. A floater or slow sink will swim well at a very slow speed just like the light flag. A medium or fast sinking bait requires a faster retrieve to get it swimming, just like a heavy flag. The smaller the bait, the more this is evident.

Theres your answer...

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I replied, but I guess it didn't send. Maybe I typed, but didn't click send, IDK.

It is a slow sink, at least that is what is marked on the box.

Thanks for the reply Matt...any suggestions? Its frustrating, cause it seems the slower I go, the better I do.

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If it is a slow sink it should swim well going slow. It is possible something got out of line if there was a hard impact or fish thrashing about. Check to see it everything looks centered. If it isn't you can apply a little pressure and straighten it out. If the joints are sticky then you can try working the bait back and forth with light upwards and downwards pressure. Theses are quick little things you can try. Don't over do it. Don't tweak the bait hard. If the quick fixes don't work or you don't even want to risk it just send it to me. I am sure I can get is swimming right again.

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I fish these baits a lot. It sounds to me most likely that the alignment of the back (tail) joint may be off center. The tail section screws into the middle section with a long screweye and after getting pounded enough by fish, hitting stuff, hard casts, etc. it can get turned just enough to throw things out of line and impede the action. Take a really close look at that joint and if the screweye is not perfectly horizontal try turning it gently. I'm only talking about maybe 1/50th of a full turn - not anything major, just enough to get it aligned.

Also take a look at the tail hook. This should be attached so one of the treble hook points is pointed straight down as you retrieve and the remaining points are out to the side. If you have it oriented with a hook point straight up on the swim, it can interfere with the tail.

If those quick things don't help, then send it back to Matt and he'll make it right.

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Likewise, i dont doubt Matt's integrity. Try the minor mods and if ure not happy, see if matt can check it out himself. And if ure still not happy, u can sell it. Im sure theres a few that would buy it from u if you sell it at reasonable price

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I have no idea of the baits history since I got it off the black market. Since I've had it, it has behaved this way.

Definitely not gonna sell, it took way too long to find one at a decent price.

I'll send it your way Matt.

Thanks in advance.

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