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Silent auction for fish30acre crappie


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Well thank you I think? Lol Truth be told I don't have near the cool stuff some of these guys are sporting, I started using swimbaits a looong time ago, but found a few that just fit into my style of fishing just right, and stuck with them, kinda not keeping up with how the industry took off,, couple years ago I got back into it and was like a junkie in a crack store! Some of the younger members on here have no idea how lucky they are to have so much cool stuff available, I'd give anything to go back in time and have these tools in my toolbox starting out! Over the past twenty years I've got a lil bored with using the same tactics same gear, so swimbaits like all other tackle for bass, provide a lot of ways to keep you motivated, but more so drain your wallet, haha! Between my fishing, mtn biking, hunting, guns, and all the rest of my crazy addictions, it's all justification to get up and go to work everyday and work hard for the coin to keep it all going!



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Waaaa! Waaaaa! Waaaaa! Waaaaaaa! Baits are too expensive on Swimbait Underground! Waaaaaaaa!


There's a difference between complaining about prices being high (a complaint I don't think I've ever seen here), and the stupid "PM offers" crap all "sellers" seem to resort to these days because they are afraid of posting a price on a bait at the "risk" of not taking one of us for an extra $5 if they post a price too low. This is a classified section, still not ebay. You're new here, but a year ago the PM offers crap was reserved for baits that truly had no set market value due to rarity. Things have changed. This at least is in the open, but still lame.


I bid $36, pardon the rant.

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Hydro,, you have some very valid points. I'm relatively new here so my input is what it is, I have to accept and respect the process of the black market the way it is, and how it's been working long before I joined. I can only voice my opinion regarding "PM offers", that I'm learning is shared by other members, and thank you for shedding a lil light on how that originated, and how it has shied away from its intent. I absolutely agree with your point about taking offers to avoid the loss of maximum profit, and should remain reserved for the purpose of a bait that's maybe rare, or unique, opposed to something that's in current production but limited availability. It's absolutely the seller's decision to obtain as much as the want. I would just prefer they advertise it where they want from the start, then first come/first served. I have actually seen on more than one occasion members commenting that a seller's price point was too high, and didn't think that was appropriate the least bit, and other members were quick to point that out to them. Anyways, maybe the guys who use the "taking offers" approach will consider the position of other members on here, he'll maybe SU could make a judgment or take a poll, that could provide a possible solution, and maybe get things back where they were. I'm done now, lol



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Waaaa! JC you're too new on SU to have a dissenting opinion here Waaaaaaa! Waaaa! PM offers allow members to make an extra $5 dollars on me Waaaaaa! Waaaaaaa! Too many eBay flippers taking my hard earned money Waaaaaa! Waaaaaaa! Let's make PM offers illegal on SU Waaaaaaa! Waaaaaaaaa! I hate those capitalist fishermen/collectors robbing everyone Waaaaaa! Waaaaaaaa!



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the final hour…. to be clear to everyone, once 6 pm EST hits(3pm for you cali boys), its over so the last post at 5:59 wins it…. so if you've been sitting back waiting to snipe it right when 6 hits….you'll be SOL. 

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