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Punker, Battleshads, Toxic, etc.


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Need some furniture so gonna dump some stuff I won't be using soon. 


Toxic Slob Stopper, few teeth marks and tail needs some mendit. - 60$tyd

OG 8" Shad Punker, some hook rash - 110$ tyd

9" and 8" battleshads, green goblin and tesla both rigged - $60 tyd

Mattlures Hammershad never thrown but line tie needs a buffing, and Hammer gill used, selling as a pair for 60$

Roman Made South - $75

Mattlures Magnum Gill used - 45$ 

Joey L. Crappie Wake, new - 50$ 

Reno beast LH, works perfect but lost a knob, quick call to abu to get urself the replacement knob. - 120$ tyd

Shellback trout rigged - 20$

Troutgliders - 25$ for all


Please group as many items as possible and I'll knock a few bucks off. 







Edited by gradycodd
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1 hour ago, rossco7777 said:

what is the slammer looking one? different tail


Sexy bait, dudes got some paint skills, swims great too, I don't know a ton about it myself, won it in some contest thing and really have no use for it this time of year so just gonna sell it until I need another. 

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