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Everything posted by sc186

  1. ^ While I agree with what you're saying, its terribly difficult to take you seriously on account of your screen name and avatar picture doing the exact thing that you so strongly repeal. The good guys will figure it out. The rest will ruin your bite without catching fish. FWIW, I fished LMV from about 1992-2012 before I moved out of that waterless shithole of a state and got to see social networking ruin the former glory of that place.
  2. Should I buy an AC unit or a B.A.? (Joke for those that have been around a few years). Where should I send the Oreo for everyone to circle jerk on. Jeebus.
  3. Nice fish. I'm just East of you and its been pretty slow in the Wilm. area.
  4. I've always enjoyed your posts, Gilbert. Particularly your perspective on fishing as it relates to much bigger, more important things in life. Also, props for the killer photos.
  5. Sorry to hear about the bum deal, Mike. Good for letting everybody know what a POS michael2036 is. For the record, SU: I've traded baits with SDBayBassMan in the past and he was a great guy to deal with.
  6. Eastern NC? I'm in Wilmington.
  7. Can't wait till the next giveaway to see a bunch of sub 1lb fish caught while trespassing by pre-pubescent know it alls who's parents dropped them off to trespass, and to later receive a lesson on ethics from said nitwits. Speed is right on all counts.
  8. Props for the selfless act!
  9. This is nothing new in CA., as the state has made a habit of burning thru water surplus and destroying ecosystems to keep the desert green. Reference the Owens dry lake and the millions of taxpayer dollars it siphons off each year: http://places.designobserver.com/feature/dreams-dust-and-birds-the-trashing-of-owens-lake/23328/ Although not a direct impact on fishing, the lake does have quite an impact to the ecosystem, and is another remnant of a short-sighted, water for gold ideology. Glad I got out of that $hithole.
  10. Beautiful animal. It really says something for your craft when you can get that close to an animal that size and put an arrow thru it's vitals. You have any favorite venison meals/ recipes to share?
  11. http://egbertco.bigcartel.com/product/e ... torage-rod Same idea as all thread, but a lot cleaner and the orings with snaps are easy to move around. Although, apparently all of the cool kids may think you're a prude for taking care of your baits. IMO I'll save the wear and tear on >$100 baits for when I'm fishing and not getting to and from the water.
  12. Lookup Archimedes principal and that of buoyant force for a grade school lesson on why things float or sink. FFS, we've put men on the moon.
  13. Hey listen I think it was clear that the contest was to get guys out and fish. If you read through the whole thread this was said as well. So go pound sand. I am not a kid if you want to discuss my opion on this, pm me I will shoot you my number and we'll talk. But don't come on here crying about the sand in your "Not Allowed". I think the purpose of the contest was clear. TO GET OUT AND FISH. Understood. A contest to motivate fishermen to fish. Novel concept. Some people need their hand held with everything. Last time i checked this is an open discussion forum and I have violated no rules. You have the right to ignore what i write if you disagree. Why would I hide what I feel about he rules of this contest? It wouldn't do any good being seen by mods when it applies to everyone's thought process. As for your PM/ chat offer, based upon your first post, Id rather listen to a flatulent donkey than whatever garbage some Internet tough guy has to say. Again, to reiterate, I should not have to challenge any one of you in disagreement wih me that a 12 oz bass on a swimbait is lame. I have no vested interest in winning a GoPro. I don't care if I'm not part of the good-ol boys club. My opinions on fishing, morals, politic, etc. are not a condition of any of the freindships that I have forged here and personally. Good day.
  14. Or DB standards Classy, and insults are against forum rules. Mob mentality is ugly.
  15. Embracing complacency and lacking standards is not a charachter trait most healthy adukts idealize. This applies to the quality of work we provide, the things we make and the things we do. If you did not have heightened standards you would be fishing ugly sticks. I understand the abrasive nature of my posts, but political correctness is good for nobody with an objective mind.
  16. Want some cheese? It's crazy generous for someone to do this. This I something that should be brought up privately with the person who is running the contest. Where does the entitlement come in? How's your reading comprehension, kid? I've in no manner discounted the generosity of SU and this contest, but rather the sport of many of its patrons. I respect your opinion and the implications of your jest, but the fact of the matter is that my entitlement to an opinion is far from that of an entitlement to spoils. Please come back to the discussion when you're off the proverbial tit.
  17. Listen, I understand the wanton need for a free GoPro, but some of these catches are shameless! Swimbait/ lunker hunting or has the group become something it is not and devolved? Honestly, I fished three days this contest and caught two small fish, both of which I would be embarrassed to post for fear of insult to those of you that actually worked and stuck solid fish for the sake of sport. I did however welcome the birth of my daughter this past week, who's had some bowel movements heftier than some if the fish posted. I'd hate to speak for anybody, but at the sake of being crass, I think that the man whom founded this site would feel the same way at this selfish display of entitlement. Guys like Bruceman should not be in lottery with men posting fish that weigh less than the baits in which they were harvested upon.
  18. With a little dink like that, I just leave the fish in the net, hanging over the side until I get all my stuff sorted for the pic. Camera out, scale turned on, bait un-wadded, etc. If I don't un-wad the thing for the picture, you can barely tell what it is. Cool. I would like to kayak fish some time.
  19. Whats your secret to keeping the M.F. hooks intact with the bait and nicely texposed upon hooking, fighting and landing your fish? All of my M.F. catches yield complete separation of bait and hook and a pretty thrashed bait.
  20. 3:16 Mission Fish. Inexpensive. Efficient. Better hook up to landing ratio due to line thru hook.
  21. Major props for the deal. I'll PayPal you a dollar for your generosity strictly for use on loose women.
  22. Sorry about the loss. Logic would suggest that you revise your approach to fishing big baits.
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