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Everything posted by oprcsr

  1. We are having a yard sale this weekend and my wife was staring at my clubs. Since I've golfed one time in the last ten years I'll probably throw them out there. Golf is too frustrating for me, I'll take a bad day of fishing any day:)
  2. Neat lure. That bass was hungry! Man those cichlids are pretty fish.
  3. Ugh Darth hope it works out. Sad when bad things happen to the nice people.
  4. Always nice to get your first. Good job.
  5. I just picked up a pair of Vibram Fivefingers KSOs over the weekend and am currently breaking them in. Should be great kayaking shoes but I'm finding them even good for everyday use.
  6. Very nice. Great choices of kayak as well, those Wilderness ones are on my list if I ever upgrade.
  7. Got a few inquires so most likely this is off the market. Thanks all!
  8. Sadly my rod will not handle the Baby Possum so I'm gonna have to let her go. Only thrown about 5 times as I was trying to see if the rod could handle it. Looking for a Baby Wake or 6,7 or 8inch Triple Trout. Would also do a 9 inch slammer with something added (to adjust for the price). PM here! Great bait and just want to see it actually get used!
  9. oprcsr

    Rodent Fish!

    Congrats, nice fish and lure!
  10. 8 fish is a great day! Nicely done.
  11. Come on Grizz, I think the Boston area has had enough championships lately! I know my wife's family (from RI) was bummed but I always say heck it could be worse you could be an Orioles fan like me.
  12. Craziness! Shame to lose a bait, but I imagine you will always remember that one.
  13. oprcsr

    RS SON!

    Very nice Caeser!
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