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  1. if you swing to the right same as a right handed reel its the same if you swing left its prob not a big deal for bass fishing your going to swing left and right at times
  2. killing it dude lol heading out tonight prob
  3. once the fear of the $$$ is gone or forgotten, and you start throwing where they live... its like magic! aint that the truth slow steady or let it sit and move it a foot or so every min or burn a 12 it really depends
  4. not shure if i should laugh or cry
  5. dude FML already broke one off a first for me she splashed around right after for a sec hope she threw it nothing after a hour or so floaters.. man rock pile must have knicked my line.. dead stick with a twitch .. beer.. burrpp...
  6. yeah shipped out yesterday Shipping Processed.....
  7. i think mine got shipped out yesterday login check your status...
  8. really i tryed plain oil and it did not feel smooth i used grease lil on the pawl and the rachet it rides on and man its smooth
  9. yeah temp fix... calling them monday prob be at my house by thursday keep those suckers greased up! lol
  10. nvm fixed alotta trial and error bending it back a lil those things suck!
  11. ok reel started acting up sluggish lil noise open it clean it checked and found pawl quide lil bent those paper thin sheet metal quides with spot welds tweaked it a lil so it hugs the gear better put it back together still have the noise but now the pawl sounds loose when you shake the reel like a spring should hold it straight but thats the design any tips? new pawl mybe but what the hell it just floats on the gear and the pawl sits on that shaft weird...
  12. yeah man be safe and may god bless you.....
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