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Everything posted by HeyImBrian

  1. Looks amazing! I had no ambition to add the fins on mine lol
  2. I drilled a small hole in the side of the bait and put a stainless pin threw the swivel
  3. Still making them Nice bait Brian. Cool process, never seen it before. Sssssshhhhhhhh..... Did you mold it while the fish was still frozen? Yup it was frozen when I molded it. I've always wanted to try it. I like catching fish on home grown rather than all the hyped up stuff lol
  4. They are just cheap sticky eyes that I painted
  5. The bait is a 2 part resin made by alumilite and the mold is a silicon also made from alumilite
  6. Hey guys, I've been MIA awhile but I wanted to share my bluegill mold/ bait I made this week. It weighs 3.5oz and it is just under 7" long. Both the mold and bait were made with alumilite products. The lip is lexan and the tail is microfibbets from a paintbrush. I'm not the greatest with an airbrush but I did my best to get it naturalish lol
  7. Sorry guys I haven't been on here for awhile. It's made from Alaskan yellow ceder. To weight it I used lead inserted from the bottom. It has a tight S pattern swim to it.
  8. I've never actually tried to carve it but it cuts and sands very well. It's a bit softer than most woods. And thank you
  9. I order my stuff from a local shop. Capecodtackle.com
  10. Got a couple more east coast stripahs this week!
  11. Thanks guys. Yea that reel and a wetsuit was a game changer for me. I would recommend both to any salty striper fisherman
  12. The striper bite has been slooooow this season so far but I have been managing some fish. Been a long winter for us over here so it's nice to finally see some stripes! Nothing big yet. 30-40" fish but soon enough some good ones will show up! Caught on traditional swimmers. Aka the roots of swimbaits!
  13. I wasn't able to fish much this season so far due to a broken hand but finally I was able to get out for a couple trips and picked up a few on the swimbaits. I did a report/write up of the trips too if anyone's interested in a short read. http://www.no-outside-links.com/
  14. HeyImBrian

    Mass BIGIN

    Awesome pig.. The past few days in mass have been producing some real quality swimbait fish!
  15. Over here on the east coast 99.99% of people have something ignorant or not nice to say When the see me fishing. But last season I had a couple guys on a nice new decked out bass boat(the worst offenders lol) follow me around a whole cove.. They were laughing and obviously talking about me. every time I looked over they would laugh some more and shake their heads at me. Well after about 30 minutes of that I finally stuck a fish.. Nothin huge about a 3-4lber. Well I released it on the side of the boat so they could get a good look. I Picked up my rod so they could see the 8" glider then I smiled and waved.. I just got 2 blank stares back and they trolled away lol. Sometimes I get made fun of. Sometimes I get told I have no clue how to catch fish. But the dumbfounded looks and silence was by far the best one so far haha
  16. Just opened it up the night before.. I was very happy with its glide. I was slow rolling it with occasional pauses. She crushed it on the pause. Not bad for a first fish on it. Def gives me confidence to toss it a lot more
  17. Thanks guys.. This winter was waaaaaaay to long
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