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Everything posted by JTSwimbaitMan

  1. It is a albino bass as the comment below states, cool fish. I looked them up and apparently an albino fish take on an orange color. Nice find swimbaits_only!
  2. Does anyone use the Swimbaits Inc Herring? It looks cool...
  3. Sick day man, looks like you caught big bass in all largemouth, smallmouth, and spot. Nice job!
  4. Yeah I understand that life kinda got in the way of swimbaiting for the moment for you. But look on the bright side, when you finally have time someday you'll have the best baits out on the water. And BTW I have mad respect on you not flipping because there are some VERY "flip-quality" baits in there.
  5. And the best collection award goes to... Awesome stuff man.
  6. Nice dude, I love that gill design and head. I think those scales look great too.
  7. Why are you fishing swimbaits on 20 pound braid? The least I've ever used swimbaits on is 50 pound, although I prefer 65 pound braid. You lose less baits than 20 pound braid. I use 20 pound braid as backing on my dropshot reels. The line I use most often for swimbaits is 20 pound senshi mono.
  8. Thats awesome! Happy birthday to him!
  9. Screen Shot 2015-05-02 at 9.51.33 AM_zpsog0rpwk3.png
  10. This is my first Baitsmith magnum fish, it was a little chunk. I lost a few more on this bait too.
  11. ITS MINE BACK OFF GUYS, hahaha PM'ed ya.
  12. I really need one soon, bluegill colors are good too. PM what you want for a trade...
  13. I can trade a couple hudds PM me and lets work something out.
  14. This is why you keep grinding through fish, to find that biggun that will change things for awhile. Great job man!!!
  15. Haha, if I have to much candy and my blood sugar gets too high I can actually have seizures. Because once it goes up it always goes down. Thats why being on the water without food is dangerous for me... But on that note I always have candy to bring up my blood sugar up if it gets to low.
  16. That is a tough fishery, nice job man!
  17. Solid fish. What is it about this bait that is catching so many fish? Is it a certain wobble the baits have? Is it because of the material it is made out of offers a different buoyancy? Or is it just that other rats are just as good but this one is more widely available because it is less expansive than most rats?
  18. Wow, I might have to pic one up after seeing this, a day-time rat fish, any weight on the fish?
  19. That is some work, hows the paint holding up?
  20. Those are some dang nice baits
  21. Nvm I don't think that was him. I saw some full size bull shooters on ichiban tackle...
  22. They are in stock at this really cool store called bassbass . But honestly I think he has some for sale in the black market.
  23. Banning IP addresses is almost impossible, and even if we did it wouldn't stop scammers there are just to many ways someone can access an account and go to scamming... But if they made a list of people banned for scamming and they say what baits they scammed people on that would be really cool. Also new members should have at least ten posts to be able to go to the black market.
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