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Tyler Schmidt

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    South Florida
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  1. It gets WILD down here; check out the website if you wanna get on some big peacocks https://floridabassexperience.com/
  2. Gan Craft 148 floating Chart Shad. These things are so much fun.
  3. If you go the fluro route, don't buy cheap crap. I used red label for a while and got a couple bad spools. Switched to Sunline assassin and sniper. 20lb is awesome. Why throw expensive baits on cheap line? Why have a corvette and but 87 octane in it? Personally I can't stand copoly, only thing Id use it for is burning a triple trout or similar baits as fast as I could, the stretch would help with hookups.
  4. Love mine, 6:6. The drag is stout and currently have >100yds 20lb sunline sniper fc on it. I really dig the cork handle knobs, eva foam sucks.
  5. That is the bees knees, sign me up for that
  6. I've had the reel for a couple years just prefer lefty reels. Casts a country mile and then over the next hill. Generic aftermarket $15 BPS handle. Reel has some scratches but works as intended. I'll upload pics on the 5th or 6th when it is not monsooning outside. Not interested in anything specific so..what ya got?
  7. Right hand dominant, cast with my right and reel with my left. I do have a couple right handed reels and I can catch fish with them as long as I don't have to work the bait, like a spook or jerkbait, with my left arm.
  8. I do have a 8ft kvd cranking rod that warped on me..not sure if it was from sitting in my rod locker in the boat or against the wall in the house but it certainly is not straight anymore. Still catches fish and casts plenty far but it can't be "good" for it. Word to the wise they will warp eventually I guess
  9. Been tossing around the H model 4-8oz for about a month now with a couple fish over 6. Likes: Fairly light for a swimbait rod, sensitive, comfortable handle. It tosses hudd 68s, 8in hudds and savage gear trouts a country mile with plenty of backbone to drive the hook in with a lot of line out. Dislikes: Though a deps 250 falls within the oz rating I am not satisfied with the casting distance. For $80 I think It is a sure fire buy and plan on buying the XH. I have been pairing it with the 13 A3 which is awesome as well; tons of drag, comfortable handle, lightweight, I had >100yds of 20lb fluro on it.
  10. Truthfully dude you will be throwing something that >90% of the fish down here have never seen and they will eat it out of anger, curiosity, or it swims past them. Like a shark they may not "eat" it cause they are hungry but they will hit it to get a feel for what it is. You'll have a ton of followers and that's always cool, if you are far enough south you have the potential to catch some peacocks as well.
  11. The carp colors look like shiners..winner winner deps for dinner. I have an ayu variant in the 250 that I like.
  12. Thanks Grady! Yeah that fish felt so big when I railed into her, I can't believe I torqued the hook out. It wasn't bent much, just enough I guess. She'll be there for next time...
  13. After 4 trips to, lets call it lake "x", this is where I will catch a DD and hopefully a teener. I've lost a couple good ones, one I wish I saw, and have caught 2 over 6 and a 7. Each trip I learn a little more about this lake.
  14. It was out and ready sitting on the passenger seat but a month ago I lost a 7 at the boat on a hudd as I was fooling with the net. It left a bad taste in my mouth so I try to avoid using the net if I'm flying solo. Swing em in or grab em by the lip
  15. Thanks, Dan! It is the 13 fishing defy H 4-8oz...I like it a lot for my hudds and smaller stuff. The 250 is a bit much for the rod I think, I can only lob it 30-40yds. I may end up getting the heavier version of it. Could also just need to hit the gym a couple times a week. I love the 13 A3 though, awesome reel, unreal amount of drag.
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