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Everything posted by Bassin207

  1. Need a couple s waver 200's. Let me know what you have
  2. I'll take the weedless hudd if you split
  3. Preferably weedless rof 5 but doesn't have to be. Let me know what you have
  4. Mostly looking for s waver 200 and yellow perch 168 but let me know what you have
  5. Went to my grandparents house for dinner last night and saw a cheap spinning combo. hoping it's for my grandfather haha Merry Christmas everyone!
  6. I'm IN! Merry Christmas everyone and Happy Hanukkah to all the jewish folks
  7. I still skate. It's freezing and snowy here in maine but luckily I have a couple indoor parks pretty close to me. In the warmer months fishing tends to get in the way but I'd rather skate in the winter to keep me busy than freeze my ass off ice fishing all the time
  8. I caught one about the same size on an s waver a couple months ago. As my bait got closer to me I noticed it wasn't swimming like it should so I assumed I had weeds. Turns out it was a 3 inch alewife that I belly hooked. I wish I could've taken a picture of it
  9. Thanks everyone. I'm going out tomorrow hoping to get another one. Hoping it's not too cold to find them. We got some snow today but nothing that amounted to anything. Wish me luck
  10. First fish on the 68 weedless. Caught it a couple weeks ago. Nothing special, just about 3.5 but it was nice to finally get one on it. Couldn't get any bites slow rolling it but once I sped up the retrieve i started getting bit. Caught this one and missed a couple after but haven't had any luck since
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